Last 2 cars to buy!

I have finished all the 168 Championships plus the Storm Island but now with all amount of money that I accumulated over the past months I bought the most expensive cars but I still have the Aston Martin DBR1 and the Ferrari 250 Testarossa to buy and T10 giving 2.1 millions every months doing some math it would take me around 6 months just to gather enough money to buy them…That’s why you add the tokens option but I will not fall in that because I paid the VIP and the Car Pass and that is enough spending time on this money pit. What you people should do is every month we can choose the rewards like if I want money I choose the money option but if I want a car reward you should give us players a list to choose any car that we like! Simple as that and start to fix bugs and put matchmaking for playground games (Infected and King)

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Forza has always had some grind. Compared to FM5 this game forks over money. Even FH1 which i though was fairly generous still had a bit of a grind if you wanted every car. You could always replay championships with different cars to level up. With the VIP multiplier you can upwards of 200k each level. It wont take too long to get the funds up.


I’m level 402, have done 128 championships, I have earned almost 2 mill in rivals, and I have 194 cars …so far, and I have 42.6 mill in my bank…I fail too see what your problem is earning money


OP looking at your achievements there are still things you can do in the game.

eg you have not yet earnt 1m from rivals not have you done much online

I know you may not want to play online which is fine but you should not expect that just doing 168 championships be enough to buy every car.

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Just race the easy CR cars. 50K+ each time

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