Lancer EVO IV rally paint job

here it is:

well it is a start so commits and suggestions would be great!

Not a bad effort bud. I do have to say that the design looks like a mixture of chocolate and white milk though… Or maybe I’m just thirsty…

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lol XD

anybody else?

Try changing the car to a more gray color and then outlining the brown with black (copy and past the vinyl twice so you have two of them, change the bottom one to black and then make it a little bigger). That way it wouldn’t look like chocolate and milk like the previous guy said and the black would help it blend in with the gray more. Not saying you have to but it’s worth a try, who knows, you might like it better.

Hey The paint job won the February fantasy paint job contest so I will have it available for free on the market place!

ok I need to get on like on sunday to put it on the market place (sorry) but would anyone like to have it sent personally?