[L3NZ] Seps's Gallery - {2/2/14 Acura RSX}

One photo to start:

Awarded photos:

T10 Photocomp B

T10 Photocomp G

T10 Photocomp H

T10 Photocomp J


Nice start to your new gallery Seps! :smiley:

Well its more then what I opened with :slight_smile:

Very cool. Can’t wait for the rest!

Sweet Beetle pic Seps :slight_smile:

Very nice black and white effect here mate. I quite like it!

Thanks for the visit guys.

Here’s my first FM5 set:

All feedback is appreciated.

Great start Seps! This ^^ is my favorite from your latest sets. Congrats on wins and features!

+1 love this one

Nice to see your FM5 gallery coming to life Seps!

Love this shot:

I like the colours, which have come to fruition in the last two shots.

Stunning pics Seps, moar please

Great Photos!!

Keep them coming.

Good stuff, Seps1974.