Kryptek red camo attempt

I’m so set on making this camo and I’d like some feedback on what I’ve done so far. Pick up a copy(kryptek attempt- on the huracan) or look at the photo and let me know what you think.

Looks pretty good mate.
Stick it on another car, like an R8, and I’ll download it.
What base colour did u use?

Its a bright red on the far right. I look at the camo on the range and it stomps the huracan. I’m taking what I learned doing the range and redoing the lambo with added effects that’ll make it right. There’s a million layers on this and there’s things in it I added to desperate the layers and they just don’t seem to look right to me.

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Maybe try a Red Tinted Carbon Fibre base colour. that’s what I would use if I was painting it.