How would you guys tune for this if your Rear was sliding out Apex to Exit. I want a smooth drive through it but cant seem to get it working. This and entry into 3rd corner are the only issues I have with my car but if you hit 2nd corner well then entry into 3rd corner is fine.
The kink dips as you turn then its uphill and over the crest. It feels like the rear is unloading. It’s heavy car and no rear aero. Build cant change
Is that the left hand after all the squiggles? Cause I hella don’t know what the corners names are.
Was easier just showing ya lol
OK, so it was after the squiggly. What type of car is it. Build Etc etc. If its stepping out off that corner. It could be 1 of 2 things. Your line going through it or the cars front end is to soft and needs a stiffen up. I would stiffen the FRONT only arbs a bit don’t go drastic like 40 - 1. Thats just some cars. Probably 20F and 10R would be a good point to start.
I’d go with your gut and add a little rear rebound and possibly some front bump to slow the rear unload. Like 0.2/0.1 increments. I’d also take a look at the springs and camber during the turn just to see what is going on dynamically. Are you bottoming out? Is the caster doing something funky? Make sure post-apex isn’t a symptom of something that happened pre-apex. Just for fun I’d also play with caster a little, I rarely mess with caster but every so often it does the trick to either stick or un-stick the front during those more dynamic situations when the car is otherwise pretty good.
Good luck,
From the entrance of corner 2 to the exit of corner 5 i just pray to baby jesus i make it thru. Normally i dont lol
Side note i would agree with crav and start there
Going from memory, I think the spring is extending as the car exits the corner therefore I would try:
- Increasing the rear rebound to slow down the rear spring extension.
- Decrease rear spring rate (while keeping the same rebound) to achieve the same result.
I would be tempted to go relatively big on the changes to see if the set-up change IS taking the car in the right direction (no pun intended). If it does, then root cause confirmed and fine tune.
#3 If it is a car with high rebound (10+) to begin with, then the rear wheels may not be getting enough weight > you might have to actually increase rear spring rate to get the rubber to maintain contact.
Most issues at that turn end up being driver error. I am not suggesting don’t look at your tune. Just make sure you are looking at whether you are trying to take the turn correctly. View replays if needed.
Thanks to everyone that contributed here,
I should be able to try these things out tonight, I’m getting a bit sick of tuning this car and track now so want to get it finished.
Thanks again
It’s an absolute mongrel of a turn. Nothing’s going to change that. If your tune is working everywhere else you probably just need to adjust your driving.
Yeah when you’re pushing the limits of the car it’s easy to get wrong but it key to the tenths that I need to make this car a top 200 alternate A Class on this track.
The numbers game continues tonight