Looking for a bit of competition here guys. Iv been playing Horizon for a while but never seem to be able to find someone who can knock me off my pedestal. Iv come accross plenty of healthy competition but believe it or not i prefer to play against people who are better than me. I love the challenge. Not only that but King players are becoming rare. Using this challenge as an oppurtunity to pull some KING players out of the woodwork.
Iv made a similar post like this before but in the old forum so i thought id start it up again.
Iv noticed not many people are playing King all that much. I don’t see more than 5 lobbies at one time. Sometimes there are zero. I love playing King, more than I like anything else on Horizon but its getting hard due to REALLY BAD DRIVERS or GLITCHERS! So iv had the idea to keep a lobby going for the people who like to play King competitively with a variation of Infected (I find constant infected extremley boring and thats all that seems to be played online) but without the idiots.
For those that are interested:
Game: King & Infected on Beaumont, Eagle Ridge or Carson Warehouses on rotation or winner Chooses game (Hopefully everyday - Between the times of 18:00 - 23:00 UK time) Greenwich Mean Time Zone (UTC+00:00)
(My default way - Start at R1, Start with King, Switch to Infected, Rotate map, King, Infected, Rotate map, King, Infected, Back to first map, Drop to R2, Rinse and repeat… All the way down to E then back to R1 again,)
Time: 3 - 10 mins (Depending on the lobby size)
Class: Either Class Rotation or Winner Chooses Class (Lobby title will state)
(Depending on the drivers in the lobby at the time i may switch ABS off or Sim Steering on but if your finding it too difficult just PM me and ill change the difficulty)
Lobby Name: Class/Map Rotate, King and Infected or Winner Chooses Game
Simple Rules:
1 - Aim for the king/None infected if you are Infected
(Side swiping the car next to you when battling to reach the king/none infected who is a few feet ahead is fine but smashing others head on into a wall purposely is dirty. This may be a contact game but that kind of move is uncalled for. It only angers players into leaving)
2 - No Glitching
(I know of all the glitch area’s/cars on Beaumont and Carson. You may use these cars but use them at your own peril. I will take a picture of you in the act and will send it to a MOD and they will ban you. You have been warned)
3 - Cornering & Braking
(DO NOT USE ANOTHER CAR TO BRAKE OR TURN A CORNER - Its infuriating, especially when you are driving a high powered rear wheel drive car with all assists off. Wait for an opportunity to pass. Be the better driver. It creates a better atmosphere)
4 - Mistakes
(Mistakes can happen, crashing into someone when aiming for the king then all of a sudden he/she pulls a quick manoeuvre and you hit someone else. The best way is good sportsmanship… 1 word … Sorry. Again, It creates a better atmosphere)
5 - AWD/4WD Drivers
(Please be careful, yes we know you have the ability to smash into the wall at full speed then burn off lightning quick but FWD and RWD don’t have that ability. They must drive carefully so please be mindful of their driving line. For them, Corners must be taken properly)
6 - Microphone
(No stupidity like putting your mic up to you phone and playing something annoying like high pitched sounds or to your sound system and blasting extremely loud music. Its not funny, its very childish)
7 - Communicating
(Banter is more than welcome, I love a bit of trash talk provided no SERIOUS insults are thrown in. Keep it light, any insults then please address it about the opponents driving skills and not the person)
If any person feels that they would like to play but think they wont be able to handle the settings then throw me a message, join our club, use our cars which are built for King & Infected and give it a blast. I’ll quite happily give you tips/pointers as we play. If you end up enjoying it and want to stay in the club then cool, the more the merrier. If not that’s no problem, ill give you the car of your choice from the club garage as a parting gift.
Any takers???
[Note: For anyone accepting the challenge or anyone who just wishes to join for fun would you please reply in here to make things a little easier for me. I dont mind PMs usually but with design requests flying at me too im having to note down whos who and what they are after or what game they are playing etc
Trying to get a little more organised. Would make it easier for me if i had everything about the King & Infected Challenge posted in here. Thanks in advance]