King and Infected lobbies

I created a thread that I finished Peal wristband a few minutes ago. That’s not for nothing! I played Horizon!
I would like to play with you in any of these three, your choice! I will create the session and will let everyone choose the map, the car class, the time limit they want to do at there turn. I will choose one thing. Everybody welcome!

I will do this every weekend. Saturday, I will start the session at 9 AM. If I am not there, the 1st person to post here will do that. If that person is not there, it will be the next one and etc.
Sunday, I will start at 10:15 AM.
My time Zone is ETZ (Eastern Time Zone).

If you want to join me, sign your name here. I will occasionally give out cars. Sunday, I will maybe give out a Ferrari 250 GTO to the Number 1 on the leaderboard… after me… unless you are Number 1!
If you rage, you will be kicked, if half of the lobby or more votes to kick you, you will be kicked by me.
If there is cars you want to give to people, I will take care of that.

Anyone who messages me on XBOX LIVE will be invited if there is still room.
No mics are needed, although we should get in a party.
Also, if you are a Gold 50 who is very good, not letting chances to others, or are stinking rich and can buy a 250 GTO, please don’t take this occasion to win this, or you will not get the GTO.
More infos to come later.

7 spots left for the event of Saturday May 3. If you can’t join one day, I will find a way. Don’t worry. Please alert though.

6 spots left for the event of Sunday May 4.

Spots for Saturday:

Spot 1: Racer4Evr
Spot 2:
Spot 3:
Spot 4:
Spot 5:
Spot 6:
Spot 7:
Spot 8:

Spots for Sunday:
Spot 1: Racer4Evr
Spot 2: miniw76
Spot 3:
Spot 4:
Spot 5:
Spot 6:
Spot 7:
Spot 8:

I will have a go
GT minw76.
Will have to work out time difference tho’ As I’m GMT.
Whoops forgot put me down for Sunday please

Done. You’re in. If no one else joins, I will forget this, but I`ll give it time.

Sounds good to me.

So when will you be there?

Shame no one takes up these offers and suggestions.
They just moan that nothing goes on.
Well here’s your chance.

Yeah, and I guess you will get the Ferrari 250 GTO…

Due to a lack of people, the session will be reported to next Saturday and Sunday. The Ferrari 250 GTO will be given to the winner of the session NEXT SUNDAY.

Next week’s session should have more people.

There are 7 spots left for the lobby of next Saturday, the 10th.

Spot 1: Racer4Evr
Spot 2: Alexandre 50
Spot 3:
Spot 4:
Spot 5:
Spot 6:
Spot 7:
Spot 8:

There are 7 spots left for the lobby of Sunday, the 11th.

Spot 1: Racer4Evr
Spot 2: miniw76
Spot 3:
Spot 4:
Spot 5:
Spot 6:
Spot 7:
Spot 8:

Well I will have another go.
Sunday please.
Will try and get some club members involved as well.

No consolation prize for entering then ??.

Anyone else wants to play?

You can count me in for next Saturday as Alexandre 50! I don’t need the Ferrari 250 GTO. I’m in EST too.

Urgh… My boss for my tennis job called me yesterday to tell me that I’m giving lessons for the whole Saturday morning for the next six weekends… The positive thing is I’ll have to wake up early to check if the first one will be given, and the chances are really high that rain will force the adjournment. If I’m not showing my face in the first five minutes, that means I’m giving those tennis lessons.

Don’t look like this is ever going to get off the ground, Shame really.
Good try.

Maybe that if I talked to my friends list, I would get more people to join. Tomorrow, I’ll get into a lobby with 16 people, probably. At least one of them has Horizon.

My tennis lessons are cancelled for today. I’ll be there.

I’m sorry. I couldn’t play Horizon this morning. I had an event I thought was tonight. Friend request will be sent.

Well guys, due to a loss of EVERYTHING IN ALL MY GAMES, the lobbies will not be hosted any more by me. I will have to go trough the campain again, and that, for a month or two, see three. For the moment, I will have to do a fundraising Thank you! Honorable mension to Abbie Normall who gave me a Ferrari 250 GTO! I thought I would never get it back. Thank you, thank you three times thank you.