Kick out of private lobby against A.I plus weak connection in all multiplayer lobby's.

Hi having a problem in multiplayer with weak connection in all multiplayer lobby’s. Always manage to finish and race fine. But when set up a private lobby against the A.I, I can set up the lobby and set A.I to 15 and start the race manage together to first corner. Then I get kicked out of the lobby saying lost connection. Have changed my NAT from moderate to open. And still get the same problem. Anyone have the same problem or any solutions. Thanks.

I have had this problem in all multiplayer lobbies for almost a month. No one has an answer. I contacted Xbox Support and did all the usual BS but no dice. I uninstalled, reinstalled, reset router, port forwarding etc and still can’t get in. Good luck. If you get a resolution let me know!

Are you connected wirelessly? If so, the weak connection could be the result of signal interference/barriers within your residence.

Not sure if OP is, but I am wired myself.

Here is a link to my original thread dealing with all multiplayer lobbies for me:

I also have a lot of " weak connection" in the last week.
I am in wifi but my Xbox1 is really close from the router and this problem never happened last year

We have been experiencing weak connections and not being able to set a lobby up all this week properly we have all tried …4 of us…with the same results we are thinking its a server issue…as we all use different providers from normal to fibre in different parts of the uk…

Hi I am on wifi my router is in the next room about 5 meters apart. Can’t get it any closer. Don’t have any problems on ghost or battlefeild 4.


It’s just been the last week, for me. I’m getting a bit worried as I have a 30 lap race to do online and A lot of time practising for it, that is prolly going to go up in smoke. (wired, port forwarding, dmz, etc) were all done and it was good, prior to just recently. I figured it was my internet. But I’ve reset everything in the middle of the night and had no other device on besides the Xbox and still had issue (just AI - no real people - and I have been kicked out of a 15 lap race on LaSarthe on lap 13, it was a bit fustrating. No laps/ times/ credits for just shy of an hours worth of racing. I was good practice.

I also got kicked Thursday but I was after race end.