One question/request, would it be possible for you to make a filter where the list only shows cars that is wheelspin exclusive? Like the Cadillac Limo, MB E63 AMG etc?
I’m not 100% sure if this is what you want, but that would be already here, and the point of the Perks section:
Select Wheelspin in the perk list (left of the screen on computer, in the Perk Tab on mobile device) and it shows all grids that have that perk, here a Wheelspin. Clicking in the top line as indicated by a text will list all cars whith Wheelspin (majority of the cars, it just listed 433 on K’)
No, I mean that in FH4 there is a number of cars that can ONLY be gotten by winning it in a wheelspin/super wheelspin. It can not be bought through the Autoshow.
They CAN be bought through Auction House obviously, but most of them are never for sale, and if they are they usually go for insane prices, like the 2018 Cayenne which I’ve seen go for 20 million.
Some of the cars are the Austin Taxicab, Cadillac Limousine, Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG, 2018 Porsche Cayenne etc…
Oh, ok, sorry.
It would be good to have this on K’ indeed
I made this on Forza 7, and given the lack of reliability of those data, especially over time as availability rules are subject to changes, i decided to remove that from the Forza Horizon 4 database.
The cars with money rewards, especially 200K and 300K, can be quite lucrative. I’ve just bought 4 quite nice cars and unlocked 7 skill perks in each one. I had expected my money to reduce but instead it has increased by over 2 million. For these the Autoshow is better than the Auction House since you can be certain that the perks have not already been unlocked.
A couple of examples:
2007 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione cost 300,000 but reward 300K so net cost is NIL
2016 Audi R8 V10 Plus cost 242,000 but reward 300K so net cost is minus 58K
Yes it could well be. I intend purchasing most of the cars with 200K and 300K rewards so I started in alphabetical order. Bought 2 Aston Martins in addition to the the Alfa and Audi and for once I was probably a bit lucky on the wheelspins.
Great list. Since Forza Hub has 400pts (50 cars) dedicated to car mastery, it would be best for everyone to focus on cars with only 8 masteries to make it easier to complete this. Although it’s annoying that one of the masteries costs 25 skill pts.
Thank you a lot msb247, you have been credited on those car’s page.
I’m terribly sorry for the delay, a bad manipulation led me to not see this second page in the thread for all that time.