Just me or does the turning seem really poor with a controller?

Just me or does the turning seem really poor with a controller? It is no where like driving is in any other forza including horizon one.

It’s like when you go to turn I need to smash the thumbstick all the way to the far side to even do a tiny turn. And seems really sluggish and slow to respond to turning.

What gives?

also can totally tell its 30FPS, but pre ordered it anyway. Shocked they didn’t go with 60. Maybe that’s why the turning to me feels sluggish and poor.

Everything else so far works, and looks great.

Been on GameFAQs lately? I’ve seen this logic before.

Frame rate is unrelated to controller responsiveness. You can’t even react in a thirtieth of a second, which is the time it takes to go from one frame to another. Try to say “frame” thirty times in one second. Try to twitch your thumb thirty times in one second. Your eyes can detect a difference between thirty and sixty frames per second, but your body can’t respond fast enough for it to affect performance. By the time you take in visual information, process it in your brain, decide on a reaction, and send the signal to your hand to carry out that reaction, FH2 has already rendered several more frames.

Was just a wild guess. No I don’t go to game faq ever, no need too. But coming from playing all games on you guessed it a computer, and only got the Xbox for Forza series I figured it was related to frame rate lock of 30. Because If I play locked 30fps even a mouse feels sluggish as heck on a computer and results in a lot of deaths in FPS’s.

Could be the vehicle your in too. o.o I know the Evo turns good but the lambo turns like crap. I haven’t seen any FPS drops as of yet.

No problems here. You using sim steering or normal? I turned all assists off and use sim, and the Audi drives great.

Using normal steering just like I do in all the others (Since it always said not recommended for a controller) So never really messed with that setting. Just not sure why for a small turn I have to slam the stick all the way over is my only issue… I’ll try it with simulation steering real fast.

But everything else is off. No fps drops, just not sure why the steering just feels off the controllers are updated also!

The “normal” mode is still very much assisted. I do know what you mean, but I kind of like the feel of it.

I can also very much tell that it’s 30fps. Not smooth at all, but I adjusted to it within a few races. 60fps is just not possible without serious graphic degrades on the Xbox One… at least with the current OS. It’s not a very powerful console, but it’s still great and I enjoy very much so! I have a i7, 8gb ram, and 2gb GTX660M graphics that can run every game amazingly, but it’s never a solid 60fps on Ultra grapics. That’s far more powerful than the One yet can’t run games as well. I’m quite amazed with what they achieved with the One with the internals it has.

Turns out it does drive a lot better with simulation steering on. So they must have really “twiddled” with the normal steering assists compared to Forza 5 because I always have it on in that game and don’t have that issue!

Thanks for the idea.

Turning up the rumble effect on the controller from the default 50% also helps you feel more connected to the road, and might help you some with the instinctive reaction time. I have it set to 100% myself.

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Seems all right to me

I feel it as well, it’s very similar to GTA 5 I feel.

Changing deadzone settings probably will help