January VIP Car


Been wondering i there has been any news on the January VIP car?
I expected news to come this week but so far it hasn’t…

What do you want the car to be??

I don’t recall an announcement that there would be a gift cars every month, so there may not be one (or may be, I don’t know).

i already own virtually every car i’m interested in. it’d be nice to be gifted some of the expensive cars from the R, P, and X classes… i’m not interested enough in racing them to actually buy them for the prices.

Yeah, this thread would be first I’ve heard of it being done in FM5. It was actually my personal understanding that T10 was going to be moving away from the whole gifting of cars thing.

I won’t complain if they want to surprise me though. XD

I would love to be surprised with a new car. It would have to have a livery on it since I’m swimming in money in the game.