I've been addicted to the 1.2 hours of Sebring monthly lobby.

So like the title says, I love this lobby. The only thing I wish they had was the ability to view your lap times as well as miles.

I would like to know how bad my tires are slowing me down. I also think that you shouldn’t be able to join lobbies in progress, unless they have less then 5 mins left. Anyway, thanks turn 10 for this fantastic lobby, it’s extremely fun if you have the time.

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I want to give it a shot this evening if I can…it seems really fun. Since checking the tires is a bit of a trouble because you have to use d-pad to see the telemetry I was just thinking about a pit-stop halfway through the race. I know it is not the best strategy, but it is always better than a crash while pressing the d-pad. The issue is, does the tires last that long? Or I need to pit before?

It all depends. I had to pit about 2 times because of some damage and tires. You won’t be able to go a full race without pitting, I know that for sure, you’ll be going pretty slow on the old tires.

ok so 2 pit-stops could be needed…I should also make a couple of laps before starting the race because I rarely use prototypes, but the idea of an endurance is just too appealing

Hey puck do you still run high camber on a race this long or do you take it back down?

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I’m still high. The benefits outweigh the cons, if there even is any due to tire wear. I’m not sure if it’s even degrading my tires faster to be honest. So yeah I’m high camber and high caster.

I never use the proto’s either. I manly roll B class, but I love the Toyota GT-ONE and the #2 Audi. The Ferrari is also good. The Mazda is too fast so I don’t use it.

Off topic but it would be awesome to have the Ford Riley DP to race with, but that’s for another thread I believe.

I’m sure i have seen you in the lobbies i have been in MonkeyDGio.

But, i wish this was a permanent fixture in the Hopper system. Its great fun, and a great change from 3-12 lap races. Just a shame that when you are in these lobbies there may be one individual who makes it their intention throughout the session to destroy other racers. Had one individual who did this, and i would have won no problem, but just after half way round a lap, the person in question destroyed my engine, which meant i lost my 1st place, and medal (T10, where’s the crash team when you need them?)

Finally, there really is no need for a 2nd pit stop. If you don’t cause any un-needed damage to the car, you can get away with running a 1-stop strategy, pitting around 40-50 minutes into the race (And this is whilst driving aggressively.)

Maybe if i get a chance to jump in tonight, i may see you guys in there!

I’m looking forward to trying out this lobby but I’d like to know how long I have to wait before the last race finishes

I’m trying fo find a race now for the 1,2 version…anybody want to join?

I’m going to jump in one soon.

great race tonight with you and Lax. Thanks!

  • Getting into a 1.5 hr lobby tip*
    Trying to find a lobby that is about to finish or is finishing but keeps what racers are left is difficult to impossible so here is a tip to get a lobby
    find a 1.5 hr lobby racing and set an already racing user to block, do this 3 or 4 times and you will be presented with your own 1.5hr lobby, yes you have to wait for others to join you but as soo many are waiting it should fill up quickly before the start, once sat in your own lobby and waiting, go and remove the blocked racers

My experience with it so far
Took at least 30 mins of trying to find a lobby, started my own, 4 others joined, one drove off into the distance 2 smashed into each at the start and the remaining racer who had not driven off into the distance obviously got bored 25 mins in and decided it was time to smash anyone else up, i was the closest, after a pit stop and repairs he stil wanted to smash into anything moving so i left, complete waste off time and 25mins i will never get back … good luck with it