Hello all I have been a long time forza fan and I have came across an issue and I dont know why this is happening. I quite some time ago signed up for forza rewards back in I think the forza motorsport 4 and original Forza Horizon days. I have recieved all the credits given to me and have recieved the painted cars but the issue is I have not recieved the tier reward cars. I was led to the impression if you redeem the rewards they will always be there for you even if you dont sign into the game. If I was mistaken on that I do apologize for writing this. Anyone who can explain to me a way to solve this or a way to correct this or tell me if there lost forever I would appreciate any help. I hope everyone is good and enjoying forza. Again thanks for any help.
Try talking to @HeliosT10 on Twitter! I don’t quite understand what you mean, but he should help you out. I just want you to get some help.
I think the reward cars are on a 30 day timer? As in if you don’t grab them in time, they’re gone? I MAY be wrong on this though…
BroadwayDrifter should I do direct message of tweet directly to him I tend to not like to tweet much.
Unless Helios is a follower of yours as well, I can only imagine you can send a Tweet directly to him. Unless I missed something on Twitter but you can’t DM people unless you are mutual followers?