[INVESTIGATING] Draw Distance (PC 1080p)

So this shows what our problem actually is.



I noticed the same thing.

Did we had any ā€œofficialā€ response to that?

No not really, apart from that resetera post. Itā€™s kind off ridiculous, would be nice if devs would atleast officialy acknowledge it here, or something.
Iā€™m really hesitant to put down 100eur for this kind off thing. Not the first time something like this is happening.

Also thanks NuRiiiX, for the video. I think it important to say that this is caused by combination of botched draw distance AND absent Anisotropic Filteringā€¦ even tho Iā€™m kind of repeating that over there

I also notice it and it doesnā€™t look good. :frowning:

ā€¦more draw distance for grass, please!

(8700K + 1080TI)

I was hoping the new NVIDIA 411.63 Driver would fix this issue but it feels like its even worse now.

If this aint fixed at launch ā€¦

The menu on the start screen doesnt look sharp either

I mean, itĀ“s only the draw distance of the short ā€œnormalā€ grass, rest is ok at my pc, but i donĀ“t think, a new nvidia driver could fix this, it must be the draw distance in the game. ?!

in FH3 i donĀ“t notice it.

I donā€™t even mind the pop-in that much, whatā€™s annoying is that the textures look like a PS2 game even on Ultra and Extreme settings.

I think this counts as a similar issue on Xbox one


Mine was perfect when I had drivers 398.11. I decided to install the brand new H4 ready drivers and now I have the same issue for the most part. Iā€™m a bit ticked because I made my purchase after seeing how good the AA and draw distance was this time around. Now the AA is worse and objects pop in really close. Textures simple really close up as well (you can see them change drastically as you approach). This never happened with the old drivers. Running the demo with the old drivers had zero pop up, incredible looking textures as far as you could see, better AA and a better framerate as well. (Everything set at itā€™s absolute max including all AA running at 1080p on a 980TI). Not sure if I feel duped by Playground or Nvidia at the moment. Something is definitely fishy.

Alright I downloaded that driver and it fixed the texture filtering issue.

Though last time I ā€œdowngradedā€ to an older driver it fixed it for a day and then went back to being terrible, so Iā€™ll play it again tomorrow and let you know if anything changed.

Ok, i will test 398.11 nvidia drivers, but i could not believe, that a driver can chanche the draw distanceā€¦but i will try.

EDIT: tested, nothing chanched, still too short draw distance for me and my pc.

Iā€™m actually wondering if the update did something to the demo. When I updated the drivers, the game updated before I played again. Either of those two things could be the culprit. It scares me when an update says it enhances performance. As everyone knows from H3 those patches just meant dumbing down graphics. I hope this isnā€™t a repeat of those same sneaky tactics. Either way Iā€™m fuming the more I think about it. The change in textures at such a close distance is jarring but the sudden downgrade in AA quality is what makes it really ugly. My maxed out settings look like low-high with maybe 2XAA. Iā€™ve also lost 8fps on the benchmark (great ā€œgame readyā€ drivers), and no matter what video settings I choose the benchmark is about the same. This leads me to believe settings are locked at something we canā€™t see or change. Could be a glitch but hopefully not a permanent problem that was ignored like H3 on PC. I got suckered by the pretty H3 demo last time and it looks like I fell for it again only to have a game that gets downgraded and compromised at the last minute. Makes me scared what that 4.6gb update did to the full game since it actually made the game smaller.

I had the bug since the demo came out 10 days ago, itā€™s definitely not the update.

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What did they do with H3 graphics? I donā€™t think I was around to see that.

Performance at max settings seems to have dropped considerably for me with the update, but Iā€™m not that worried about optimization, Iā€™d first rather have the actual features work at all. Right now Iā€™m just glad that I have an Xbone S because the game looks better over there (and thatā€™s WITH all of the issues with pop-in and kinda crappy textures that are present there as well).

There was a small update yesterday for the Demo and it fixed the pop in a little bit but still no fix for draw distance. Trees still look bad on ā€œEXTREMEā€

Here a example (itĀ“s only a part of the complete screen):

After the red line, no short grass, only texture.
For my taste, thatĀ“s too short draw distance.

Another (2560x1440, maxed outā€¦resized for forum):

Same problem on left side.


Go into drone mode and fly around. Itā€™s incredibly bad. As you fly along all terrain literally appears out of thin air about 6 ft from you. Worst draw distance Iā€™ve ever seen in a game (and at highest settings).


Lets just hope that its just the demo because it doesnā€™t even save so maybe the graphic settings donā€™t save even if it says extreme or ultra and if its really an issue i bet its fixed on release

Terrible draw distance for me as well, game is maxed out! So many people having this problem and no official comment regarding this issue, not even put under investigating
I hope they respond soon on their own forums.

i5-6600k 4.5ghz
980ti overclocked
16gb 2400mhz.

Yeah, this is getting really ridiculous. What does it take for devs to acknowledge this ? It is even the top threadā€¦ Makes it really hard to spend my money on the full game Iā€™ll tell ya.