On a couple of my cars I keep redlining my last gear and know I should be able to get a smoother ride and more speed. Thus, can someone shed some light on how to change my gearing around to avoid such? Thanks!
My gear data is as follows:
2.20 // 3.36/2.98/2.68/2.44/2.23/2.07
[2013 Honda #9 Target DW12]
680 hp, 298 lb-ft Torque
Rear tires: 370/45R15
Top Speed: 229.6 mph
Redline: ~12550 rpm, Peak Torque:~ 11900 rpm
Should I be chaining Final Drive? Or, the gear ratio around?
The ratios are set to keep the car within its power band. FInal drive is the one to adjust if you want to avoid redlining your top gear. Lower it until you either get the top speed you’re looking for, or the car maxes out. All cars have a top speed limit. You will know you have reached it when the top gear is producing peak engine power and the car is no longer accelerating.
Thanks WearyMick! I had the Final Drive at it’s lowest setting 2.20 and still had the issue. It seem that after playing around with it I need it to reset the gears because most likely I had the incorrect redline number and/or peak torque rpm. When I re-changed the gears I was able to reset the final drive setting upwards and be ok w/o redlining. Again, thank you!