In game CHAT issues!

Is anyone having problems with the chat ? Mine seems to work during intermissions but cant interact or hear anyone while the race is taking place, i have tried all settings but cant get it to work and sometimes when i think it is working everyone sounds funny like they are in the matrix or something, whats going on??

The matrix sound or DAW Glitch as i like to call it has IMO got to be server side, in regard to in game chat if you can hear them during lobby intervals i can only assume there just being quiet during race.

The only issue i have come across which a restart of game has solved is a connection of devices not registering the change of game, where by you see mics light up in lobby but you hear nothing.

For this i found backing out and rejoining a lobby helps, at the very worst restart XB1 if need be (other rthan that) i cant help you. I am no expert it just appears that works for me.