In all my years playing Forza, I've never finished with a tie... until now!

Talk about a close race!


Nice! My Club Leader and I finished a drag race within 0.010 of each other the other night. At the speed we were going, that’s like 1/2 a wheel rim.

EDIT: We were in different cars, too (Veyron vs. Ultima).

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WOW awesome

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Dead tie and you get 2 less points. Stuff like that infuriates me. Either give both positions the same points or give the human player the higher points.


time can be broken down further than a thousanths of a second. The leaderboard doesn’t show ten thousanths but It probably plays a role in decideing the winner

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Higher points probably went to the player with the fastest lap.

@MikesTow1301 - Stuff like that shouldn’t be infuriating - it’s just a game. Laugh about stuff like that - don’t get mad about it. :wink:


Isn’t a street race just a point A to point B race? So there is no “fast lap”.

I think my problem is I play to win. In any “game” real or fake. The point of playing is to win. That’s why a score is kept.

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I believe that the actual time is measured to more decimal places but rounded to only 3. I do recall this being the case in earlier Forza games.

As an example, the actual times may have been 1:58.5852 and 1:58.5854, yet both would be shown as 1:58.585


This right here,thats why he recieved 2 less points.

Seems legit, I buy that.


I’d buy that for a dollar!

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Three way the other day :wink:

I liked your post until I saw the screenshot :stuck_out_tongue:

Never seen 3 cars finishing in the same time; you should cherish that moment.

O_° !!!

You should of said ‘‘XBOX RECORD THAT’’ and showed us what the finish line looked like haha

You know I have recorded several videos on several games but it not once crossed my mind. :frowning:

Haha it was an interesting race.

I wish I would have taken pictures, but I have finished in a dead heat twice in Forza Horizon 2. It has never happened to me in a Forza game before, either.

Last night my brother and I were 0.007s apart in a race, he finished the width of an eyelash in front of me.

its happened to me 3 times, every time it happened i get second place instead of third which is annoying.