so i go on forza 4 today press my save storage and it says invalid profile can i please help me!!!
Go to your storage and check to see if any save file in your Forza 4 data is corrupt or has a yellow exclamation next to it. One of your paints, tuning save, replays, or photos may have a problem.
Check and make sure that your Email that you use for your gamertag still works and is up to date
More of a question, Have you ever used your profile on someone 360 other than your own? If so make sure they are using your profile
4, Haha make sure that your gamertag is signed in when you start up, I can’t tell you how many time I booted the game up and got a scare because I wasn’t signed in.
That’s all I got, just don’t delete your actual save until there is nothing left to do.