Just decided to add a new car to my collection on here. Haven’t seen any other thread on this, but is anyone else disturbed by the seat position in the Lamborghini Reventon? I’m not saying it’s a bad game, yada yada yada, but I can only stand to drive using the cockpit view. The seat positioning in the Reventon however, is far to the left. If this is the real positioning, so be it. I don’t remember this issue in Horizon or 4 though. Is anyone else annoyed by this though?
How’s the performance?
and are we talking “waste of money” or “waste of credits”?
A lot of cars have this problem some like the car you mentioned others you cant see through the windshield because of the reflection of the steering well blocking you’re view. Search youtube for the forza 5 rental glitch then use this trick to check out all the cars you want to buy.
Yeah I am not a fan of the off center seating position in some of the vehicles, but I just try to focus on the road with those vehicles anyways so it isn’t a huge issue and you get used to it.
Test drive the cars in Free-Play Before you buy them, then you know what you are buying.
Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated. I honestly didn’t think to rent it first, because the Reventon is just… well, awesome
(and by money I meant in game credits, not real money.)