Hey guys i JUST joined forza horizon 3, This Website & Xbox! if you can give me any tips tell me
My advice. Sign up for the rewards, give you a small amount of weekly credits to claim for each forza game you play from forza 4 on up.
Whether you read the threads on here or not, I’d suggest browsing the thread titles here and in the FH3 tech section, then as you play you may recall seeing your current question mentioned, and an answer will most likely be here, such as why isn’t hot wheels available, or clubs, or creating my own blueprint buckets etc. Anything locked in the game simply means you have played enough or reach a certain level.
Try not to confuse the many more PC issues with issues that may occur on the Xbox.
Drive around, do all events, if you can figure one out, someone has no doubt posted a YouTube video on how to do it.
I dont have any tips but we can learn together i just got the game to
Use auction house, A LOT!
Many of my cars have come from just searching up starting bid 6k and S1.
There are some great cars, seriously!
I hope this helps you, good luck playing through Forza Horizon 3.
I think you need to unlock the second festival to unlock some parts of the game (like online, expansions),
then you should be able to do the forzathons with extra rewards (like a unique car) each week.
Other than that, just drive. The game is totally open and you will progress whatever you do.
If you get stuck on something its probably explained in the forum already. (or youtube)
There are tutorials for almost everything concerning the game on You Tube but experience is the best teacher…the more you play the game…the more you learn …what works for you?!?..the better especially when it comes to tuning cars and your driving style…sometimes just driving in free roam is needed to get a feel for the cars and how you want them to perform…Don’t get frustrated if you race online and you do not perform as well as others…some of these players have been racing online for 5 years or more and they spent 8 hours or more.,…a day playing…they know all kinds of tricks and have even modded their cars to out perform most cars in that class…the most important thing is enjoy the game…I have been playing the Forza games for 6 years now and I have more fun than I ever had with Midnight Club, Need For Speed, Juiced, or Gran Turismo!
When you eventually unlock the Goliath track, don’t use rewind
Good advice that
Especially when doing more than 5 laps
You can buy cars with a discount this week, so try hard to earn more CR.
If you go to AH (auction house), remember to consider and calculate the discount this week before you bid.
Excluding some special Forzathon / HE (Horizon Edition) cars that you can’t buy.
If you go online adventure race, remember this is an XP race, so you might not get the most CR even if you finished 1st place.
So driving cleanly is important.