I have to say one thing heads and tails above the others make this my favorite Forza, the high cr payouts. I’m really happy to see that in 2-3 hours of playing I can get my hands on a Ferrari or the like. I personally never had the time to get deep into the car lists before in previous titles. Now I can get to the cars I really want to drive easily tune things up and I’ve had more fun playing this game than any previous titles. I work 60 hours a week, so I don’t have time to grind away on some car I don’t care for to start playing the “real” game. I think the VIP edition pretty much hits the right point for payout vs time investment. Besides 90% of my time is spent failing around in tuning anyways
Also know a forum I could express this opinion to the devs? I would be majorly disappointed if they made an update that greatly slowed down the cr payouts in the game, likely enough to walk away from it like I have previous titles… Hell this is the first game I unlocked a Ferrari that wasn’t a “gift” car, I really don’t miss the “i didn’t want that one anyways” gift car when I have better payouts.
You can send comments directly to the developers by emailing forzafb@microsoft.com.
I don’t think you have to worry about payouts slowing. In fact, not long after the game came out T10 actually increased the payouts as well as dramatically reducing the price of the cars in game. Race on buddy!
I, very sure they will…If you pay for VIP the payouts are very reasonable.
Thanks for the replies guys.
I’ll have to shoot them an email then and encourage them to keep this progression, at the very least, keep it as an option, its made this game about 300% more fun than previous titles for me. Its a shame micro transactions/dlc are too expensive IMO, but that is just me.
I already got the VIP as I’ve been going around saying games should be $80 these days ($50 in 2000 is $80 today when adjusted) so I put my money where my mouth is. IMO I would rather pay $80 for the complete experience than be nickle and dimed to death with DLC and microtrans. I’m reasonably pleased with the return. The fact that prices have nearly held steady, since well…the early 1990’s means games are massively less profitable per unit sold then they used be.