I have lost al my cars....

Ok the 25 of july i have lost all my F5 cars.

Starting F5 i received ”We can’t save additional info for…” probably a misleading message since i have 200+GB free on my XONE HDD.
The game booted and only the Toyota AE86 Trueno was on my garage. (side note: i have never bought it)

Tried everything to recover following the suggestions on the matter here in the official forum and elsewhere on the net… no luck :cry:

Here very likely ends my journey in the T10 franchises if not in the whole XBOXONE experience.

See you guys.

Hi SunShineSun,I had the same problem…I started with the toyota trueno…never bought it myself!I’m very disappointed…no solutions! I hope to recover my credits…pilot level 213…

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I made it…but no reply for me…