So, I have seen lots of people saying that Turn10 should fix this, and yes, I am one of those people too! But, I’ve realized that they won’t fix it with out a proper reason of how it is happening. I know for a fact why it is happening. At least with my Console/Disc on Xbox 360.
See, the problem is, is that when you press start, and go to the buy cars/my cars menu in single or Online Free-Roam, it will freeze, sometimes…I’ve realized that everyone’s forza will eventually start freezing, the reason why, is that they are being too impatient with the menu. You have to wait three seconds, and don’t press any buttons after pressing the Start button, when you think its ready, go ahead. Mine doesn’t freeze anymore because of that, and neither does my friends’. Atleast, mostly…If you press RB when all the blocks on the start menu are grey with nothing on them, it will definitely freeze once you go and click the Buy Cars/My Cars section. I’m telling you this with experience, not just made up. You go try it, if your xbox freezes all the time from that.
Thank you for reading this solution to the problem. Comment back if it works!
Some freezing happens the moment you go to the “My Cars” menu and no menu items on the screen at all. Just frozen with your car sitting on the screen and it WILL win the staring contest.
With all due respect, you found a possible solution, not the absolute solution until “everyone” with a 360 confirms
To illustrate, I have a One and experienced constant crashes in FH2 while loading/saving tuning-setups from every possible screen I was allowed to load or save setups. The problem appeared out of nowhere and has disappeared completely since at some point in time. Would like to make clear, maybe, that some issues in the game might not always be obvious to all users or to everyone at the same time or point in time.
I do hope though that you, and others, can benefit from your findings and enjoy less issues in FH2.
Hm, I do have the habit of going through the menu too fast lol. Most of the time it freezes no matter what xD I just want to switch to my other car! I will have to try this when I go back on there. Thank you for the info! I did notice sometimes I can select my car 2 more times in online & single, might be why. Only other thing is the sound dropping out when I do manage to switch my car.