They got to big and forget about the people that got them thier. Fm6 career is great but online sucks whether its the server issues or people who cares it’s bad. For online I’m going back to FM5 . I won’t ever pre order another FM7-8-10 if they survive this. I’ll rent and try first if Dirt , Drive, Project Gotham comes to Xbox one it’s good bye FM. I enjoy horizon 2 online it’s easy and works. Not having User clubs or ability to have a user lobby or create a user league is just plain stupidity.
You’re right. It has all been said before. What’s happened then?
Clearly it needs to be repeated more and more often because Turn 10 is not receiving the message. Placing posters under moderation or outright banning then and locking the threads doesn’t send a very inspiring message either - unless the threads do violate the Code of Conduct or have Turn 10 recently added that criticism from their fan base is against the Code of Conduct?
Until something changes for the better, this won’t be the last time you see threads like this pop up. These threads will continue to reappear until either things change or the community has dwindled to almost none.
– I do enjoy playing the career and am very happy that that will last me quite some time with the way I play. This will keep the longevity of the game going for me. I tend to go and set up a bunch of cars for various career chapters and groups on one day. Then next time I play I go do the actual race events in those chapters. I don’t always have that much time to play and I’ve been having to limit my time more lately. It’s still fun, but it’s definitely not all there as I feel it was in FM4 and a lot of that for me is in local split screen racing.
That is why this thread has made over 1000 views in 24 hours and not a single moderator in sight. Called them out, and now they are hiding behind their ToS wall and Micro$oft hard place. I was pondering to send a clear message at this forzafb mailbox thing. HA, round and round she goes. Next stop file 13. Now refraining from making a wishlist out of this; believing those are kept in check, why don’t we play FM6 like its the last of the series? Make paints that show our disapproval of where this has gone. Not something stupid, but something to let others that are not on these forums know abandon ship. If we can keep this thread up near the top with pertinent information and good willed opinions, something should happen.
I have to agree with a lot of you. FM4 was the height of the T10 franchise. If people didn’t wanna race they could join a cruise lobby. If you were having problems on making a vinyl, you could share it with a friend. He could finish it and send it back. People were more talkative in lobbies on forza 4, now its dead silence.The graphics in forza 6 are great but if you remove things that people miss, people wont play the game.Supposedly Xbox 1 is basically tamper proof meaning you can’t mod the games for free credits and unlock paint jobs. If that’s the case then why remove the features from the game.
Forza is designed to make gamer’s into car lovers or whatever the is supposed to mean.
The emphasis was therefore placed on the average gamer, not the average forza fan or racing fan.
Your choice is to adapt and learn to deal with the trash (sales) the vision attracted or move on. The game is pretty stale to me without a solid place to race online and no online leaderboards for forzastats to pull. That’s the core things I liked about forza, but no biggie. I’ve adjusted.
You should all just accept the game for what it is and enjoy and experience other games for once since forza no longer has much of an addicting quality. I actually kinda like playing other games now and jumping on forza as a break.
I personally have very little desire to continue playing. I have always been a leaderboard type person but they have basically removed any sort of leaderboard to see how u stand. Yes, I am well aware there are per track leaderboards, but without some sort of rollup and overall standing they mean nothing.
This has a ton to do with forza but it also has to do with society. Forza has removed most competition from the game. They dont want overall or club leaderboards as this is proof that someone is winning. The online leaderboards for leagues are basically participation based. Are medals still received as gold 1-3 silver 4-6 bronze - 7-9? That right there says it all. When your podium winners are so diluted there is no point in even going for it other than self satisfacation, thats the current state of forza to me. They are doing nothing to breed competition. Heck in forza 4 there was even a designer and tuner leaderboards. It gave people something to strive for and bread competition.
I personally no longer have a reason to run leaderboards other than self satisfaction of being high up there on as many tracks as possible and having others potentially see my name. I have no reason to run leagues as i dont do enough online play to even be competitive there due to their participation award style points. I could win every race i ever enter and it doesnt guarantee that i am at or even near the top of the leagues leaderboard. Yet mr 8th place could be in the top 10? Who thinks up this garbage. Hoppers have the worst racing ive ever seen before, and i cant be bothered with career mode. You spend more time figure out what cars you can use and in loading screens than on the track at all.
Downhill since Forza 4 even tho more cars and tracks have been added, they need to go back to what made them the series they are.
I agree Cow! Bringing back the overall leaderboard would make a big difference in this game. That’s what kept me in FM4 for so long.
As for Career, I like the way they have examples of every upgraded car that can be used in the race series. They actually do a good job on most of those cars. It gives you a good idea which car to use for which race, if you like to collect cars. Also, compared to FM4 (I didn’t get FM5), I like the way the career races just flow from one to the next using the same car. It saves time picking each race.
Its funny how the commercial states that “This is what we are racing towards”. Towards an oncoming community bus. Again I thank all that have participated in this thread. Hopefully it WILL be taken seriously and produce a better quality ecosystem.
I agree with the development cycle. I’ve said a couple of times that a Forza Motorsport every two years is not the way to go anymore. They should aim for every 3+ years now. I just feel the longevity of the games isn’t designed to last longer than two years.
FM4 I played about a week or so before the release of FM6. It came out in 2011 during my first year of university and now it’s 2015, I’ve been a grad for a year and a half and I’m still enjoying FM4. That game has the elements to last a very long time. T10 needs to allocate more production time into their games to release a more rounded, content packed and complete project instead with that longevity. If they add in the longevity they won’t have to constantly keep pushing out new games every two years.
If the Forza Horizon franchise took more time in production think of the size of the open world we could have. Same goes for FM. More production time should surely equal a quality, longer lasting product.
So basically, something within the november update (or your internet connection) has screwed your enjoyment of the franchise and you remember that you actually hate it and have been hating it since FM5.
Forza 6 is never going to be the way you like, it’s never going to be the way I like, it’s like a thousand shades of grey, they’ll never make a game all black or all white, they have to sell. Bottom line.
Forza may have been “just another racing game” when it first started but look how important it’s become to Microsoft. It came out as a system seller in 2013, it’s a major franchise showcasing the possibilities of the console, they’ll never ask Turn 10 to focus their efforts on a reduced (even though highly enthusiastic) audience.
That’s why it’s great to have variety, pCARS since patch 3.0 is pretty awesome as far as I know (wheel player) and I can’t wait for Assetto Corsa. If you want a bad game, check WRC 5 or F1 2015. Makes you appreciate FM, despite the obvious room for improvement.
If it takes a refocus of efforts to allow you to tick the lap counter higher in career, filter your oppistion in free play, or add searchable lobbies and leagues online then they are doomed. The basics are all there they are just hopelessly lost when it comes to common sense. The main criticism is lack of options, something so easy to change other racing devs would kill to be in their position. The criticism is relatively nonexistent when it comes to ai, the physics, the graphics, the performance, and lack of bugs, and car and track choice is incredible considering the detail of each.
Pleasing the more hardcore crowd boils down to menu options. In fact the only possible reason for them to not include them is because the game is guided by marketing and pr at this point. They can’t add features they intend to sell you in the next version, because then everyone would recognize 7 will just be a reskin with no new features. And at that point why not just sell another season of car dlc?
But you are missing the point, they are a business. What benefit does it give them to hold the product back a year to them? Most people will still buy the game every 2 years so why should they make a game with more longevity that people dont need to buy the new one? Silly. I personally dont even think forza 6 will have much longevity after 6 months but we will see.
to the original poster, youre forgetting the most fun you can have in Forza, CAR SOCCER!!!
myself and about 25 other people in the world still play it on Forza 4, and it was only available on Forza 4.
i remember you being a somewhat decent cat n mouse player in FM3 and FM4, so you could pick up car soccer easily i feel.
gamertag “the OG mama” (used to be “yourmamma”) plays once in a while and seems to do preety good.
FM2 and FM3 all i played was cat n mouse, but switched over to car soccer in FM4 and havent looked back.
gamertag “350thunder” (now different name) also plays and a few other ex-cat n mouse players like myself.
Was it more like car rugby? In forza 6 you can still play such games. Cat and mouse is multi class with friends and other enthusiasts that know how it is played, or hoppers in some extremes. car soccer was a small car between two hangers in forza 3, can still do that too. That is something I am lacking, enough congruent racers willing to do such stupid (funny) games.
I remember racing in Reverse gear around Nordschleife. That was amusing. If anyone is willing to put up with me, friend me and I can work on getting such lobbies up.