I have a problem with update with my game!

Hi I’m in a xbox preview update and last night i did a last update to my xboxone but after this update my forza 5 game need a update. I can’t did the update this is the error( this game or app needs an update, but something went wrong. can any have this problem? I can play the game.

Thanks for any help.


Sorry i can’t play the game.

I had the same issue today dude…

lost a whole day of Forza trying to fix the issue.

here is how to fix it:
take your disk out.
Go to your games and press the old start button on your controller (its got 3 lines in it) then go down to uninstall game, NOT where it says “inc all your add ons and save data”, you just wanna uninstall the game, …all your saved stuff is backed up on your cloud.

The forza picture of your game should dissapper.

put your game disk back in and it will install again, will take about 15-25 mins… let it load completely to 100%

then load it up and it will say that there are around 10gb of updates to install.

go for it this will take around 2hours

then once thats up to 100% your done inluding the latest update!

glad i could help! :slight_smile:

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If you are doing the Xbox LIVE Beta Update program, the complaints should go in the appropriate beta forums, not here.

Without a disc in the drive, and in the Xbox Dashboard, hold the console X button down until it fully shuts down - about five seconds. Then remove the power pack plug from the wall and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Plug the power back in, start the console as you normally do. You should get a green screen while the system checks/updates for the Xbox One, then it will boot into the normal white X symbol and finally the Dashboard.

Then try whatever you’re doing again.

When i had this problem Snowowl im afraid what you said didnt work. I did all that i even uploaded the last update data via USB from the XBOX website and still it failed…

He has exactly the same symptoms i had today when i came to load up Forza. Its simply a case of uninstall and reinstall then it all clicks back into gear… just takes a few hours.

@BTR SPARKY Thanks for that tip bro. I had the same issue with my Kinect Sports Rivals game and the Xbox One Support was of no assistance. Your steps is allowing me to play my game again without any issue. Thanks.