I got a world record

On the Saint-Martin Short circuit : http://www.noelshack.com/2014-42-1413307259-img-0143-1.jpg
Any questions? :wink:

EDIT: Didnā€™t realise you had been wall riding the entire first corner so doesnt really stand as a world record.

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Hey, itā€™s my fellow club member. I raced that ghost ā€¦ almost into the wall. I locked 'em up bad and was like, ā€œwhere is he going?ā€, and then gave up because I wasnā€™t going to be able to make up the 5 or so seconds that turn put me down.

I donā€™t use the walls like that because Iā€™m completely OCD about realism in games but itā€™s seems like the game was meant to be ā€œanything goesā€ since there arenā€™t any qualifications for an ā€œofficial lapā€. Iā€™ve seen that all the leaderboards people have put effort into, where there is something to be gained by wall bangin, have wall bangers on top. Iā€™m just glad that thereā€™s not too too many of those races. I just donā€™t feel right running into anything, playing King or Infected ā€¦ but Iā€™m not above cutting through a field.

Not the way I woulda done it, but still a record, imo.

Edit: Alright ā€¦ I just had one of my #1 times beat by a wallbanger ā€¦ (Castelletto - Cliffside Sprint - D class ā€¦ my Renault A110 tune for power tracks found a sweet spot). Based on the way I felt afterward, Iā€™m gonna have to change my opinion on that practice. :wink: It would be nice, after seeing this happen for years on racing games, if the game makers would treat that kind of wall impact as a car killer, regardless of the damage setting, and send the driver back to the last checkpoint. Ahhh ā€¦ vent complete.

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Love this thread.

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I saw your ghost for your then-top-spot at San Giovanniā€™s Old Town Sprint D class. You might want to take that Trans Am to a body shop because it looked like there were a couple walls that you didnā€™t see ā€¦

I donā€™t get it how can you get a world record on a video gameā€¦???

Iā€™m not home right now but my clubmate said he just beat you clean by 2 seconds. By the way, that Trans Am time is from the first week the game released and I didnā€™t exactly spend a lot of time on it. Good job beating a 3600 lb muscle car in a Mini Cooper though. An accomplishment worthy of its own holiday on the calendar.

Also, your club leader could probably use that advice more than me since Iā€™ve seen him wallride on more tracks than my Trans Am has horses.

Edit: I see you conveniently edited your post now that somebody else beat you clean.

You sure muscled that car into a couple walls without using the break or breaking momentum.

Beating me clean is no great feat. I hope you donā€™t think Iā€™m in here talking about this because I think Iā€™m some great game player that can only be beat through exploits. Not my point. Not at all. My theory on why you might see my name on the front page of leaderboards is that not enough people bought the game or not enough people are trying rivals. Which means I fully agree about FRF Cezar from my club, who Iā€™ve never seen in game and havenā€™t had a chance to talk to. But unlike some people, I donā€™t come back with faster, corny, banging off walls times because everyone else is doing it. Truth be told, though, not everyone is doing it. Which is why the names stand out and I recognize whoā€™s talking. If you see one of my ghosts hitting something, itā€™s because itā€™s ranked in the thousands and was set racing other cars in solo championships. Your clubmate Vigilante HD has been hard at work banging into wall after wall setting times and if he or sheā€™s the one who said he beat me in a race clean by 2 seconds, itā€™s good to here that he or sheā€™s not always banging into walls ā€¦ because Iā€™ve seen about a half dozen times he or sheā€™s set in the past couple days that included instant death type crashes.

Is there a point to this post or are you just angry because people choose to play the game differently than you?

You can call it what you want to but there are no dirty laps or penalties in this game. The player is basically encouraged to smash through fences and picnic tables and cut through open fields. I would think that if the ā€œgame makersā€ had a problem with wall riding then they would have found ways to prevent it by now. Frankly itā€™s been the same since the PGR days, which incidentally is a racing series that certain Forza Horizon developers were involved with.

Hereā€™s an overly long response I hope you take as me trying to wrap this up, because here we are in a debate and Iā€™m carrying water for a side that my interest in does not warrant all the words Iā€™ve typed.

It was a direct retort to your reply to the post I edited. In that post, I wondered how you were going to play it because Iā€™ve seen you wallbang and I wondered what you thought about the philosophical question of exploiting the game flaw (which you shared in your latest reply talking about the game makers and PGR ā€¦ which is where I remember first seeing the wall bang), and I made a point to mention that the time set could easily be broken clean so that it would be clear that wallbanging was not necessary to beat the time. I said I sincerely hoped you did, and I was sincere, which I know because I used the word ā€œsincerelyā€. In no way it was about ā€œwhoā€™s fasterā€. Couldnā€™t care less. It didnā€™t appear that you got that since you mentioned that your clubmate beat the time clean ā€¦ which had nothing to do with anything I said. I brought up FRF Cezar in response to you bringing him up. Blah, blah, blah. I donā€™t care about any of that.

But the heart of it isnā€™t that I, personally, canā€™t stand the practice or that it effects me in anything but the most minor of ways. Itā€™s that ever since the PGR days, thereā€™s been a segment of the community that has had a beef with it, to the point where people were reporting people on the leaderboards for xbox live terms of service violations, friends quitting these games, threads like this one is turning into on forums. Since the leaderboards belong to everybody, it effects other peopleā€™s game experiences, like it or not, and I am here with one of the just a handful of people doing it (seriously, itā€™s a small number) and wondered if you were going to keep it up given your vague, three word contribution. You tried to turn it into a ā€œhe beat you, you own club guy does it, I drive a muscle carā€ dump taken outside the toilet. I didnā€™t ask or care about any of that and didnā€™t even ask you if you were going to come back in full exploit mode, just wondered out loud.

We can agree to disagree even though, as I said, I do agree that it being there is the fault of the game developers. Where we seem to disagree is that you said if they didnā€™t want the exploit in there, theyā€™d take it out. To that, Iā€™d say that the reason itā€™s there is because the time and effort required rework the game is not worth (misspelled ā€œworthā€ was the reason for the edit) it since the games sell anyway. Thatā€™s why you see the same exploits, the same bugs in tuning. Thatā€™s why you see leaderboards populated with actual glitched times, as opposed to just exploiting the bad game physics, in title after title after title ā€¦ as if itā€™s not possible to rewrite the code for the leaderboards. They donā€™t do that because itā€™s a headache theyā€™ve deemed they donā€™t need to go through to still get paid. Welcome to the world of business. But, frankly, I donā€™t aim to please the game makers. I do not generally like to negatively affect other peopleā€™s game experiences, however. I personally donā€™t do it because Iā€™m OCD about how I play the game, but also because I usually donā€™t like to be the bad guy and Iā€™ve heard how some people take it and I assure you Iā€™ve heard worse than, ā€œI wonder how youā€™re going to play itā€.

Thatā€™s my opinion, we can agree to disagree and you can play it however you like and you will continue to hear nothing derogatory toward you from me ā€¦ because you havenā€™t to this point.

You called me out boasting how you beat my time clean and challenged me to run it without hitting a wall. I would just quote you but you cut out 75% of your original post when you edited it.

Lolā€¦ Again, itā€™s convenient for you to make such comments now that your original post complete with posturing and snide remarks is gone. I brought up your club because it didnā€™t make sense to me that you were so against the technique while the person who likely recruited you seems to partake in it on a regular basis. And the muscle car comment was to illustrate that it was a random oddball vehicle I picked when I ran that event. The fact that I was #1 for weeks probably just means that nobody of higher skill invested the time to actually beat me. I donā€™t remember how many people raced that event but D class isnā€™t nearly as popular as A-S2. Trust me, if I actually tried and wanted that time to remain a solid #1 I wouldnā€™t have picked Smokey & the Banditā€¦

This is just a ridiculous statement and Iā€™m not going to bother with a proper response, unless in your next post you disclose that you worked as a game developer for this title.

That ainā€™t how I put it at all. You donā€™t remember me saying that 2:41.whatever wasnā€™t that fast, easily beatable, that I sincerely hoped you beat it, and then continue to race clean? How the **** is that ā€œboastingā€? That some new self-deprecating kind of boasting? I said that because the point wasnā€™t to boast, it was to hopefully get you keep the leaderboard clean when you come back and beat the time in a race that obviously hasnā€™t been attacked by many people yet.

Why? Because the leaderboards stay clean until patient zero comes in a sets the top time with a line that includes running into a wall. And then whoever wants to try to top that time uses that line like Toxxic at the top of this thread did. If Iā€™m not mistaken, he wasnā€™t the first person on that leaderboard to do it ā€¦ he was using someone elses line. Now itā€™s just a matter of time before you have a front page of the leaderboard filled with ghosts that Iā€™d rather not see. My post was not a ā€œboastā€ or a challenge, but if you want to consider it a challenge, it was a challenge to keep that particular leaderboard clean and a challenge to not be patient zero, the first wallbanger, on the leaderboards. You got no room to talk about FRF Cezar because I see you and Vigilante HD as patient zero on multiple leaderboards, and if youā€™re wondering why Iā€™m in that club itā€™s because of the extra credits you get and I race against the Supaaflyā€™s ghosts because he races clean and I enjoy watching his ghosts. Iā€™ve only raced #1 ghosts when racing his put me right there. Fast and clean earns my respect. Iā€™d enjoyed watching (spelling edit) a couple of your ghosts too, right up until you used a wall. Thatā€™s what got me ā€¦ you donā€™t HAVE to do that to set a top time. Vigilante HD said he ā€œgotta go fastā€ ā€¦ cool. I can respect that. The only reason Iā€™m still talking to you about it is because you keep mischaracterizing my post and ā€œconveniently for YOUā€, I edited it while you were typing. That ā€œconveniently for youā€ line ā€¦ Iā€™m an adult and talking to you, not to some third party.

But you really think that the game developers are leaving in banging off walls on purpose? Realllllly? You think car people designed a game based on physics and purposefully leave in something that violates those physics and is an alternative (spelling edit) to actually TURNING? Itā€™s a driving game ā€¦ turning is at least half the point.

Iā€™m done with this now. I get the feeling that you are going to keep twisting the post that ā€œconvenientlyā€ isnā€™t there, but thatā€™s OK because thatā€™s not what I said and the explanation of exactly what I was getting at is right here. Take it how you want, play how you want. Itā€™s clear that weā€™re probably not going to get any clean leaderboards ā€¦ maybe I should have said pretty please. I would have if I actually asked you to change behavior, which I didnā€™t. But of course saying ā€œpleaseā€ is probably ā€œboastingā€ too.

In any case, may peace be upon you. Out.

Gotta go fast! =D

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That right there ā€¦ thatā€™s an explanation I can live with. For real. Like I said in my original reply when Ghosty455 went harsh on the Toxxic whatever his name is ā€¦ the game makers keep leaving in this exploit so itā€™s part of the game. But revel in other people being slightly miffed that not everyone is on the same page when youā€™re one of the people doing it, as was implied by ā€œlove this threadā€, and Iā€™m going to give you something more to love.

And I edited that post before your reply showed up, while you typing, apparently, because I figured rather than to leave my response to your trollish ā€œlove this threadā€ post, I figured Iā€™d go more light-hearted. Yeah, sometimes the edit comes while the other person was typing, just like your edit appeared after I read and replied to your reply.

But his times are clean. forza says so.

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