little help here please
sorry I mean post photos here on the forum
take a photo in game and save it. It will ask if you want to share it. choose the make and model and what-not and choose “share”. One its shared to your live acount it should show up in your forza gallery (community tab at top of site>gallery). Open a photo and copy the URL.
With a forum post window open, look in the mini menu for the icon that looks like two mountains and a moon (should be the 6th icon from the left). Past the URL into the text box that pops up.
Once thats done you should see a newly added line of text. Then, as long as you’re finished with the post itself, click “post” at the bottom right. Your photo should now show up.
Thats lengthy, I know… hope it helps.
thank you very much!..race fast my friend
opps…cant do it from my phone