How to muscle?

Hi, been playing for a while now and can handle fwd pretty well now (some tracks top 2000). I have some rwd cars as well and I think they are harder to handle. Espesially the real muscle cars, I keep sliding. I already tryed different tuning set ups but nothing seems to work. Can anyone give me some tips about driving these cars

They all slip around. Gotta learn throttle control first. You can manhandle a FWD all day and get away with it but thats not always possible with muscle cars. So if you’re used to braking late and taking sharp corner entries, you’ll instead need to brake a little early and take a wider arc into the corner. As you get used to this approach, you’ll eventually learn where you can push it a little harder but that is all dependent on which muscle/rwd car you’re in.

When you mess up in these cars, just let off the gas and keep turning and then gas it when you think you can do so without engaging in a drift. If you’re unsure when, lightly tap the gas and the car will show you if its ready to make the corner exit. After lots of practice, you’ll learn exactly when you can floor it. This can be easy to forget because they don’t all drive the same. I find if you do the gut reaction and slam on the brakes, it just does more harm than good and you’ll also likely be rearended.

I think RWD cars are a nightmare to drive in this game. I’ve gotten better at them, but they frustrate me to no end. Just my opinion, but I really think Forza over did it with the physics on these cars. Its like to trying to drive them on a hockey rink, not a race track. If you take Swerve’s advice, you will get better. Just be prepared that improvement does not come quickly. There are certain RWD cars that I have totally given up on. The 74 Celica with the 1.6L motor for example. Its a major leaderboard car in C class, but all it does is spin with me driving it. Its faster to get out and walk…

You mean the 1,6 turbo right? Well what do you expect to get with that a high torque engine in such a light car? Its always going to spin. Check the leaderboards, most of the times with that car and setup are set with TC on.

Really? I’m so glad you told me that, I never would have figured it out otherwise… Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know what color the sky is, would you?

Depends if its night or day


Thanks for the tips Swerve.

Muscle cars do very well especially in the lower classes. I have always loved driving them in this game, but I started doing much better with them after I learned to tune my own. Also when I started tuning them with more grip and not worrying about top speed my times got a lot better. Most of the tracks are won in the turns and I see a lot of newer drivers using setups with high speed, but limited handling and once they get to the first or second turn its all over for them. They either drive off the track or I end up driving right by them. I use no assists so I did have to learn throttle control, but that just takes practice. I have c class muscle car with 5.3 handling and only 5.6 speed that can do well on most tracks except for the long tracks like old LeMans or road america east. I’m never gonna be the top of the leaderboard, but I still do ok and I have my best races when a faster driver shows up and pushes me to drive harder. Don’t give up on muscle cars they are worth the time it takes to get used to them.