I enjoy painting my cars and adding custom layer groups, especially small details like a license plate or police details, but when I apply them to the car they aren’t just small, they become all pixelated and low resolution… I’ve seen other people’s layer groups of similar size that look fine. Any advise or ideas, anyone?
Are you making your vinyls on the car or in the create a vinyl mode (White background with a grid over it)?
First off, make them on the car so they don’t have to be scaled, that causes lots of pixellation. Another trick is to use gradients instead of solid shapes. The gradients don’t pixellate like the solid shapes do. So instead of using a straight line, use a gradient line very thin so it’s solid looking anyway. Then build up the inside with normal shapes. I’ve done that on some cars where the bodywork stretches shapes and makes them pixellate.
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