How to Create a linear stripe?

Hi everybody,

I do not really have much experience with creating designs for cars.

My Problem is quite simple, everytime I want to put a Stripe onto my cars I have to put it on three different Zones (Front, Hood/Roof, Back)
But even when the coordinates are 0/0, the stipe isn’t at the same position, and when I move one of the stripes with the arrow key it gets just 0.5 on the other sider and don’t match either…

Is it possible to move it only 0.25 to the right?


No, you could try flipping it upside down. Or make a single strip along the the longer sides a lighter colour which should make them look smaller as an optical illusion. 50% transparency can be used along a strip too.

You can get clever with the group sizing. Add a temporary object near your stripe, select both that and the stripe (using the right trigger), then resize that group a little bit. You’ll find the stripe will move a bit (experiment with positioning the temporary object). The resize of the stripe will be small, but you probably won’t notice.

You can also (with plain colours) make the stripe with two objects, the stripe colour and the body colour, with the body colour offset slightly downwards. Again, use the right trigger select, but on each individual object, and resize slightly to move the appropriate edge slightly. Indeed, if making stripes that fit a body line, you may find using multiple shapes to fit the upper edge, then grouping, duplicating, changing the colour, then nudging down slightly is an easier way to do it.

Note that the length of the stripe will get adjusted as well as its width, so make sure you have a bit of excess length.

This can also be used to make stripes thinner than 0.01 units. E.g. make a stripe twice as long as you want it, but 0.01 units thick, then select it the the right trigger and resize to 50%. The stripe will now be 0.005 units thick.

Hope this helps.

It gets worse. Even if you get the stripes to line up acceptably in the editor view, it doesn’t mean they will line up in free mode or photo view.

However, if you use the long skinny shape as the basis for your stripe, you can usually overlap two offset, slightly narrower stripes on the other surfaces to get the edges to match up.