My apologies if this is a dumb question – I’ve been scouring the forums and web at large trying to figure this out, and must be using the wrong keywords for searching.
Basically: how do I change which player is logged in to Horizon 2 without forcing the game to quit (on Xbox One)? The game says, “Welcome, TomRicket” when I run it … but handing the controller to my son doesn’t do anything, even if I back out to the main Xbox screen and see that my son is logged in. I’ve tried going through the Horizon menus to log out, but can’t find anything.
So far, my only solution is to exit to the Xbox home, run another game (to boot Horizon out of running memory), and then re-run Horizon with the new player logged in. Is there an easier way to do this?
Correct. You cannot play the same saved game data with two different profiles. The progress is saved according to the gamertag (profile) which is logged in at the time.
Yeah, I’m not trying to play the saved game with another player, but rather the opposite – I want it to change over to the new player. When I press the home button and sign out to the main Xbox menu, the Xbox sees the signed in user change from me to my son (or whatever), but going back into Horizon resumes my current game, rather than switching players and saved data – I have to make sure the game restarts (by running something else) to make it reload everything as the new player.
It’s possible I have my various auto-login settings mucked up somehow, and that’s confusing the game. I’ll go play around in settings and see if that’s the case. Thanks for the answers!
Thanks, Snowowl – I think that is what I am doing. That is: the series goes:
Sign in to Xbox as Dad
Launch Horizon and enjoy playing it
Tap the Home button and return to the Xbox menu
Log out of Dad, and sign in as Son (I actually step way to the side to make sure the Kinect isn’t somehow seeing me)
Son is now logged in according to the Xbox
Son taps the Horizon game to come back to the game
Horizon continues to play as Dad (my saved game state, etc.)
… the only way I can find to get Horizon to recognize that we’ve changed players is to force it to quit (like by running another game). At that point, it recognizes that Son is logged in, rather than Dad.
Does that sound right? I don’t mind doing it that way, it just takes an extra 30 seconds to relaunch the game, and I thought there might be a faster way to have it recognize the change.
That may be the issue, because without Quit the game is still running in the background.
From Player Dad, go back to the Dashboard when you’re done. Use the triple line button next to the small X button, and select Quit off the menu that comes up. Sign out of your Player Dad profile.
Sign in on the Player Son profile on Xbox Live, then select Horizon 2 to launch it. This will have the Player Son profile sought from The Cloud, and should put Player Son in the correct version.
If this doesn’t work, I would contact Xbox Live support directly.
I’m sure that’s completely it – I tend to exit out to the Xbox menu, but never both fully quitting a game since I usually just go directly to another. It sounds like if I use the triple line button, the game should relaunch with the Son profile after I’ve logged him in.
Thanks again, and my apologies for not knowing the correct procedures for it all – the console is still pretty new, and while I’ve been spending way too many hours on it as it is, I still have a lot to learn to really know my way around the system!
I’m brand new to the one as well and also am finding my way round it. Does get confusing sometimes when you are used to the 360.
I hate change but hey, it has to be done I guess
After you Quit the game (it will be in the large window on the Dashboard), sign out of Dad.
Sign into Xbox Live as Son. Click on the game you wish, and it should launch as Son.
When Son is done. Quit the game from the Dashboard, then move to another game as Son if that is what is wished. When Son is finished, logged off Xbox Live.
If we leave the game unattended while in the Dashboard, it still runs in the background unless we Quit.