I’m just wondering because I noticed I wasn’t at the maxed points for the collecting cars on Forza 3 or 4 so I went on there yesterday and bought the amount of cars I needed to max the points out, but they haven’t updated yet. Does it normally take a couple days for it to update or do I have to do something else?
I believe Turn 10 staff has mentioned it could take approximately four hours. Of course, there are times where people have reported it taking longer. I’d say wait a day and, if no luck, contact Turn 10 directly at forzafb@microsoft.com.
Current game versus outdated and no longer fully supported games (think of it this way - more server time dedicated to scraping info for FM5 than older games, and it helps that the info os stored in the cloud now too).
some times its updated instantly, some times its weeks, and some times not at all. for fm3 i have had 400 and something achievment points, 0 days played, 0 cars owned, 0 miles driven, and 0 driver level. how did i unlock all the offline driving achievements without driving a single mile? its been that way for years. not a big deal tho. i still had alot of fun in the months of evidently not playing the game.
Assuming you have played sometime since rewards started too, just to make sure that the info isn’t being scavenged (play while connected to Xbox Live obviously - achievements work differently).
Email T10 at forzafb@microsoft.com and provide the info. May take a while but hopefully yours will be fixed when they next have to make some repairs/updates.
funky thanks but i really dont mind. i dont feel like i’m missing out on anything. i have ocd so when i play i play the lack of credits solves its self pretty quickly and rewards seem to be the only real benefit. i’m gonna get plenty of credits anyway. and thats something i can control. i would rather not start caring about stuff i cant control. i got the fm3 ultimate edition for $30 so feel that i definantly got my moneys worth even with double dipping and buying the game twice. i was just warning the op not to obsess over it, espically on the older titles. just have fun playing.