Hey everyone! Forza Unlimited (UTLD) is looking for some new members. We reached 100 in Forza Horizon, and we’re trying to top that for Forza Horizon 2! If you enjoy cruising, off-roading, Car Meets or anything involving fun, you’ll love our car club. From classic muscle cars to brand new hypercars, we drive them all. If you plan on getting Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox One), then you’ll want to join us in all of our crazy, fun, and sometimes chaotic adventures. We spent hours upon hours in Colorado back in 2012, and now we want you to join us in Southern Europe by joining the Forza Unlimited Car Club! Thanks and hope to hear from everyone sometime soon!
are you competitive, have a youtube channel, club painter, etc.?
Add me
How do you unlock clubs?
I would like to know the same thing
I would be interested in Joining. And to answer your questions, you have to win three championships in solo mode before you unlock Club. GT is II Outaker II. Hit me up sometime.