Hope we dont get again the " stuck in after race scoring menu" bug as in previous FH title

In previous Forza Horizon title 4 I often get stuck for minutes in the after race Score Menu Window ???
Often I need to quit the game with alt+F4 because I get stuck for more than 10 minutes. And ith me all the other race track players in that lobby get stuck too, because after minutes there are the same players from race before in the lobby for next race ( waited all for minutes)

Yes, a problem which developed this year, at or around the time Steam players got added (coincidence or not) and hasn’t been fixed.

I suspect it will be resolved for FH5 - they will know that it’s the type of thing that’s completely unacceptable and won’t want all the adverse criticism on a new game if it does cross over.

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Indeed, there is quite a gap between not fixing a huge issue and keeping it for the release of the next episode.

That said, given no news about championships, possibly player is just back to freeroam after any race therefore new implementation that hopefully will not bring the same issues.

There are a massive list of bugs from FH4 that I hope are fixed in 5. Chief among them is the horrible online experience, especially in convoys. I have multiple friends where every single other online game gives them zero issues, but keeping a stable connection with FH4 is like pulling teeth while asking for a miracle.

My #2 would be having weather on my windshield in a race when there is no weather. Nothing more frustrating then have unremovable water droplets or frost on your windshield in a race set in bone dry summer. There is a workaround for that bug, but it shouldn’t be needed. It’s also really annoying to do before every race. If only we had custom championships…

My main fix would just be to have the auction show cars with the right paint colours instead of showing the default paint on the car underneath.

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