Hint Box Discrepancy

I was looking at the hint box and this caught my eye. In the Damping sections, there are some contradicting statements within the boxes.

Here is a portion of Front Rebound Stiffness:

Here is a portion of Rear Rebound Stiffness:

Here is a portion of Front Bump Stiffness:

And last, here is a portion of Rear Bump Stiffness:

Now, they’re mainly the same, but the parts in bold don’t really match up; how can decreasing the front bump increase both transitional understeer and oversteer at the sametime? Typo, or bad copy perhaps?

I tackled with this last week. Here is what I took from my ponderings:
One is from Front settings.
One is from Rear settings.
The last is about spread between the two.
So if you have front at 5.0 and rear at 7.0 then you have 2 point difference.
2 points towards oversteer or understeer. it depends on which end is causing the difference,
I dunno.

Is it using the word front instead of rear in a couple of those?

I copied it directly out of the game. I’d take a look at it to see if it is incorrect, but I’m pretty sure I was accurate in transcribing it. In either case, there is some confusion…

Yeah mate I wasn’t quesitoning your accuracy but asking if the game has a couple of typos.

Because you have only shown extracts from the text it is difficult to say. I will take a look at this the next time I run the game. It could, however, make sense if it is referring to fixing understeer or oversteer under different conditions. e.g. corner entry (decel) or corner exit (accel) conditions. Check out Worm’s guide under Damping and you will see what I mean.

Edit: I took a look and it is a typo. Walls of text that are very confusing LOL. I would stick to the diagram in Worm’s guide if I were you.

I don’t often use the hint box, I was looking at it more closely last night because I was helping someone in a post and I was going to use it as part of my explanation and then I got all confused.

It’s a confusing hint box with a typo somewhere, and meh…

Thanks for letting me know it’s not me or an issue with my game. On that note:

I’m getting better at tuning my bump settings, but I often struggle with the rebound. Any suggestions for a starting point?

I used to frequently reference the tuning hint box but I have determined that I get more confused after reading them.

Anyone reading those descriptions will get thoroughly confused; especially someone new who’s trying to understand the damn thing. Dampers are one of the most difficult component to fully understand and the text descriptions certain DO NOT help.

It’s as good as “when cooking meat, higher heat results in faster cooking but too much heat could burn the meat. Reducing the heat results in longer cooking time but too little heat could undercook the meat.” So one is left wondering . . . “so how much heat is too much/little?” and how does one know what is “good”?

In this forum there is a post about how to set both Bump and Rebound based on the weight of the car. This is both correct and wrong at the same time. For Bump and Rebound settings to provide critical damping (minimize oscillations) , the basis should be the Spring Settings. If you modify the calculation you will see that the starting point of the springs is related to weight. At this point the Rebound and Bump should be the same as if you used the cars weight.

Now, when you change the Spring settings, the new Bump and Rebound settings will also provide critical damping. I have the calculations in a spreadsheet, and change Spring, Rebound and Bump together.

This works for me, but note that I do not agree with changing only one thing at a time. Now, lets get back to tire pressure and temperature.