Hiding your ghost?

There’s one thing that always made me wonder how people do this from past Forza’s. But how does people hide their ghost or replays in rivals mode? Because I’ve been noticing people are doing it even on Forza 5. Just curious really since it’s always been a wondering question of mine for quiet sometime.

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i believe that (tho I’m not 100% sure) the ghosts are only there when the actual time is driven in Rivals and not somewere else like in free play or multiplayer. But you could probably try a new ghost thats 1 position higher than your current rival;)

And to be honest having a ghost you can beat by 10 millisecond is really annoying as you constantly have to try and see through the vehicle (making me miss corners but just that little bit)…

Yep, I was really frustrated with this over the weekend. The rival I was against was one of those that charge up to the turn brakes furiously and then wobbles all over the place through the turn so there were more than a few times where I had the ghost basically on top of me but swinging wildly back and forth. Really distracting and made it hard to work out.

I did find that if you start a race in rivals- then do part of a lap or a full lap then quit the race and after it goes through the next few points bits you hit replay the next time the rival doesn’t come back with you. At least on mine it doesn’t.

It won’t work if you start the race and then quit it before you leave the starting line. Not sure how far you actually need to go. Someone surely has a better way but this is how I do it.

There is an option for turning off ghosts in the HUD menu (under Forza Profile).

Some people hide theirs ghosts by switching the xbox off after setting their lap…this way the xbox cant record the replay… top clubs do it too hide their builds sometimes… but on forza 5 if your in a private lobby on ghost hotlapping with friends and quit out to check your time without completing the race it doesnt record your replay… a lot of people dont know this… hence why so many people have hidden replays

Atleast someone got what I was meaning. How would you do drag or autocross rival races then? Because there has been a handful that isn’t showing on those, and most of them are in the top 20.

I have chosen my own ghost in Rivals from a time I had just set and it did not load. So it is not people cheating the system. Although I guess that is possible too.

In Forzas gone by there was a way to do this easily when hotlapping, not to sure if it still works? Will check it out an report back!

I dont see the point doing this in 5, as you cant see any telemetry in the replays anyway???

I know people used to hide their ghosts in previous versions of forza, so others couldn’t turn on telemetry and build a clobe of the car they are using. Now its seems to happen a lot on the Yas Tracks, where they are mostly cutting the final corner which can shared a half second off the lap time.

I know the way but people do it so other have a hard time to beat there time. Check Indi Ova c ,b. A I don’t have a replay.

I know the way but people do it so other have a hard time to beat there time. Check Indi Ova c ,b. A I don’t have a replay.

Same applies too drag… if you turn your xbox off with out returning too the lobby it doesnt save replay… like i said a lot of people are hiding replays accidently without realising… its same as forza 4 Frp m8

You don’t have to turn off the Xbox to hide replays. There’s another way that nobody has mentioned that is a lot easier and you still get your credits and xp, though I doubt it will work for drag.

It shouldn’t work, but it does. When you do it this way, your end race fastest lap is not the fastest clean lap you ran, but the leaderboard shows otherwise.

Gave a few hints. Can you figure it out? :stuck_out_tongue:

I tried that twice. That doesn’t work.

I always have to hit restart when I’m doing Autocross or Drag, and the replay or ghost will still be there.

Drag tires are a man’s best friend lol.

its like exton posted they a) have ghosts turned off so the lb wont record them , b) hey quit during the loading scree on the way back to the lobby

btw dj you are really hard to follow through the cone on the road atlanta in the mugen crx , you must have super glue on your tires lol

just hit restart. Then you have no ghost its really annoying actually. Especially considering how long it takes to back all the way out to the leaderboards.

Once you hit restart you THEN have to quit the race. If you beat your time and then quit your new time post’s with a replay.

There’s still another way that does not involve clicking restart. You can legitimately finish the race and still have a hidden replay.

Why don’t you just tell me, and not beat around the bush? Or just PM me about since it seems you don’t want to say it here. =)

Because I’m bored and this is kinda fun. Lol!