I absolutely love using this car
more stable than a caterham
yet nimble enough to whip around corners
but getting the right tune for it is turning out to be a heck of a job…
stock this car is just HORRID a jelly car many would agree
here is my set up so far
I enjoy plenty of oversteer especially at low speeds
Tire pressur 29.5 30.0
Alignment -2.0 -1.5 0.0 -0.1
caster 5.1
anti roll 39.6 17.74
spring 467.2 538.3
ride height 3.4 3.5
damping 7.7 9.5 7.7 8.8
aero is on max
Diff 80 75%
A class tune…
I cant seem to find the right balance in oversteer vs understeer I seem to have either to much turn in or not enough
and the car is a bit unstable when you quickly snap out of a corner especially annoying on the earlier turns on Leman ill lose full control of the car if i have any throttle on after that turn
help is appreciated heck if its a good tune feel free to use it
im not great with tuning cars but it looks to me as when you are turning your front doesn’t move as much because your front anti roll locks your front and your rear seems pretty soft and as the weight shifts it makes your rear a bit unstable and with the bump being pretty high (in my opinion) is your tire about 230 degrees because that is where the grip is i may be absolutely wrong but i think i have an idea of what im doing
Here’s a great guide for diff settings. Should help with the throttling out of corner as your numbers appear to be at the high end
Tire pressure seems to be personal preference I usually try to run mine at 32lbs when hot, which is usually 27-27.5 cold.
To me it looks like you arb’s have too much difference between front and back. I try to keep mine within 3ish pounds of each other. I like have mine usually mid to high 20’s(That might just be me tho)
Ive also found with damper settings I like having front and rear bunp (or whichever is first) in the 9-11 range while rebound (the one at the bottom) is usually 2-3
You might also like to try upping your castor to around 6 give or take a lIttle.
These are benchmarks that I’ve been using on most of my tunes give them a try and see if they help. I’m sure someone else will give you different and likely a better set up but see if this helps in the mean time.
Just a question to help me.
Is having your front roll bars that tight and rears that loose normal for you or most tuners? Just curious to find out if you do that just for that car or generally have that wide of a range. I have my roll bars tight cause to me I would expect having that wide of a gap would cause instability, to my knowledge tighter allows for your inside tires to provide more grip but to tight causes a slide. Please correct me if I’m wrong just wondering why your rear is so loose?
No, this car is just really weird and oversteers like crazy if you try to stiffen the rear. The Lancia 037 is kinda the same way as well. All of my tunes though are completely dependent on the car. Some cars in this game just require some strange tweaking though like the Alfa 33, Lancia 037 and the Datsun 510.
When I tune a car I will always set the arb’s either as close together or as far apart as I can depending on the weight distribution. It all just depends on the car.