Hey I’m trying to tune an S class exige for road Atlanta and I’m having trouble trying to get it to stop bouncing down the straight parts of the tracks. I’m not sure if the issues are just that the track is that rough, the car is just generally bouncy, or I just am not tuning it out properly. After playing around with it I can get it better so its decently driveable but I feel like it’s wasting energy bouncing.
Here’s my set up let me know if you need the entire build.
max weight reduction kit
full aero - maxed out
full suspension - found it a bit better when not lowered all the way both at 5.6"
rebound stiffness - front and rear maxed anything less and I’m considering taking it to kids parties and charging for rides
bump front and rear on the soft side around 3
springs - soft about 1/3 of max at point of bottoming out occasionally but if its stiffer it bounces more
havent touched anti roll or alignment yet but can’t imagine that changing how it rides.
Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
I could almost put money on it that your bouncing issue is in your shocks. If your rebound is maxed out, then they’re barely decompressing. With how low their compression rate is, your rear shocks aren’t going to able to absorb any major hits from the track surface, and Atlanta isn’t smooth at all. If lowering the rebound makes the car hard to handle, then look at your tire temps. It could be that your springs are too low and there’s not enough force on the tires needed to get you through the corners. Anti roll and alignment could actually change how it rides, but it wouldn’t affect your issue down the straights. Like I said, I could almost put money that’s what your problem is.
Yeah I think a lot of it was the track, fixing the shocks and suspension helped out some as well.Still not quite happy with how the car drives(more likely it me not the car) I think me and the exige just don’t get along. I’d put it on the shelf a month ago or so ago and thought I’d give another go, but I may have to find something else to drive.
That could be one thing too. Not every driver is meant for every car and not every car is meant for every driver. I tend to find that a person is much faster in a car that they not only like, but feel comfortable in as well. I love the '69 Camaro, but hate racing it cause the handling on it is, well, a word I can’t say due to ToS, but I think most of us get that picture lol. Best advice I can give for that is if you want another go, play with exige before tuning it. That way you can have a better feel for it’s handling capabilities at that track. Tuning isn’t a 1 day process, but it can be done.
That’s probably one of the best explanations for anyone struggling with a specific tune. square peg round hole, granted some people can tune/drive just about anything. I’m wanting to find a couple new cars to play around with and I’m running out of Lambo’s haha.
I’m as wise as I am confusing lol. I forget who originally said it, but those people would be considered aliens. Anyways, what other builds are you looking at?