help hurt during server melt down

to forza

how do i get my levels and my cars back i lost them during the server melt down and xbox sent me over to you if you look at my acheivements and awards i was almost at level 200 but the highest in there is level 150 i lost all that and currecting the game started me over and no cars now iam at level 40+ i aslo have the award for 400 gold wins and a bunch of exspence cars and now they are all gone can you help

i was leavel 190 and saturday i lost everything to if you go look at the achievements for 400 gold wins and for geting a car for leavel 25 i cant get no help eaither its not just you when there servers crashed thats when it happend to me on saturday

wtf is happening. i’m getting fed up… feel sorry for you guys, so far i’ve lost my reward for this month and all of my photos has gone missing from gallery…

Game is junk all of it has never worked at one time since I got,it a couple months ago