Help getting the accolades for getting likes on your creations

For CashlessPlains8 I found using tune 158650721 and livery 180833174 easiest since both are the supra. I’m using vinyl 117127447 and photo 135127354. O and metal I made sure to do 2 drag races with all yours I agree it’s the quickest.

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Thank you so much!! I will PM you tomorrow morning when I download yours!! I’ve been using my lunch to dig through the forum and I was able to locate a couple of share codes. I will add them to my post. Thank you for being so diligent with this…you deserve a gold star! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


I got your vinyl and photo downloaded and liked! I couldn’t find your tune or livery. Which car/cars are your tune and livery for? Let me know and I’ll get those as well. Thanks!

Slightly off topic but if anyone is having trouble with horizon promo feel to send me a message saying which car or cars you need and I can make a quick super 7 card for you I got all the ones you can legitimately have including the 32 ford fe edition. It stops giving accolades points after 500 photos though. I just know that ocd feeling of needing to get them all lol.

Just did a whole bunch on here. I find it easier to just search by gamer tag. Photos are easy. For livery’s and tunes I’m doing 2 drag races… then switch back to default skin and equip vinyl shape and 2 more drag races. Where are the accolades for challenge cards or races getting likes/uses?

Creative has all the accolades for likes and uses

Livery is 569 271 470 for the supra
Tune is 181 073 855 for the 03 focus

Awesome! I’ll download these tomorrow morning. FH5 updated on me before work (I’m on XSX), so I didn’t get a chance this afternoon.

To all who are helping out with this…thank you!! It’s been really :sunglasses: to see people helping others!

I will be doing a majority of my downloads this weekend, so if I haven’t gotten yours yet I will!

Once again thanks to all who have helped…this has been a :sunglasses: experience!!

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The update helps ALOT no more infinite save screen when downloading and applying liverys and tunes.

Hey everyone, thanks for the progress so far.
I’ve helped a lot of people on here so far but PLEASE add the name / year of the car when posting share codes so it’s easier to apply.
This game doesn’t show what car the livery is on when viewing someones design (why not??)

Thanks again to everyone who has helped me but still needing likes, downloads and importantly actual USES on the following please -

Livery - 173 407 345 Bugatti Chiron 2018
Tune - 165 461 474 Bugatti Chiron 2018
Vinyl - 554 054 731 - NZ Flag
Vinyl - 986 808 132 - Tom / Petty
Photo - 147 215 313
Blueprint - 133 444 411 - Drag at Festival Site
Challenge Card - 170 239 522 - Easy Speed trap with Bugatti Chiron 2018.


Thank you! I will download yours here in a bit when I make it home. I’ll send a message and let you know. I still have to get a couple of KhaoticPimpin’s items too. Thanks to all!



I got your tune and livery downloaded…nice color on that Supra!


I got all of your items downloaded and used as well. Really happy and surprised by the Tom Petty vinyl!

To everyone helping with this, thank you! Don’t forget to use the tunes and liveries. I’ve been making a couple of passes at the drag strip with them.

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Thank you so much.
I love Tom Petty!!

I want to get the official Heartbreakers logo made in the vinyl creator but I’m so bad at using it lol.
I’ll try properly one day.

In the creative tab of accolades… I’m still not seeing the accolades for “Have someone like, use your blueprint or challenge card” I’m seeing accolades for paints, liveries, vinyls, tunes, photos, The event lab tab just has accolades for publishing and creating races… but not for uses or likes… and I missing something?

No, I believe you are right. I think all of the accolades for the blueprint and challenge cards are all tied to publishing them/making them. You will get credits ,I think, if someone plays and maybe kudos if they like it? I’ve only had people try a challenge card, so I’m
not 100% sure about custom blueprints. I tried and liked your CC blueprint this morning!

What a great idea!!
Community effort :ok_hand:t2:

Please do mine and I’ll do the most I can!
Appreciated :raised_hands:t2:

Livery: 414 509 677
Photo: 259 558 174
Challenge card: 549 457 664
Tune: 438 727 356
Vinyl: 441 081 885
Blueprint: 954 056 135

No you are right I just double checked. Only creating publishing and playing others. No usage or likes.

If you are on PC I’ve heard people talk about glass2k being good cuz you can put the image up and then kinda trace it in game editor. But tbh I’m no good at any of that or have the patience for it lol. The livery designers here I have alot of respect for.

Yep, they do some amazing things for sure.
I’m on console - but might try the trace the design onto wax paper and stick it on the tv screen trick…

If you do put the code up here. I’m not sure if it’s over all likes and uses for all vinyls or specifically one vinyl with a certain number of likes and uses but liking and using a vinyl takes a few minutes tops so might as well. My duplicate barn find jaguar is literally just a vinyl car with all the ones from this thread so I got plenty of space for more with no inconvenience.