Ive not even bothered to turn the game on since May last year because im waiting for T10 to extend the single player career mode.
Ive already won golds on every event and unlocked and completed all the secret events. Multiplayer is a boring ram fest after a while and the hopper selection doesnt interest me.
Has there been any new updates since I played that have extended career mode? Since we arent getting a Forza 8 this year id expect T10 to bulk up the career so we get more use out of the game.
So what you are saying is you are to lazy to turn on your Forza game and see if there are any updates and you want us to tell you instead…is this correct?
Yea. And you could have just said in your reply rather than trying to be an edge lord.
Oh grow up stop being so arrogant.
Time to move on as FM7 is clearly not the game for you.
You won’t get many people pander to you here.
I’ll pander a bit. NO Nothing New Added
Ever messed around with FREE PLAY? I didn’t even finish the career as I prefer creating my own races/events in FP.
It’s pretty much endless what you can create, one make or model races, multi-class races, tune your own car to fit a certain class or division using buckets etc.
Thats cool an all but thats like creating your own exam that you know you can pass. Pretty boring for me I like having a sense of progression and the least the devs could do is make some championships.
Thanks other guy who pandered lol, T10 sucks. All they’ve done in a year is make car collisions feel like they weigh 20 tonnes and gave a few free cars. Whoop dee doo