Have not been able to play for over a week now. Game will not update?


I cannot fix this problem. For over a week now the game will go to a “Cannot update Screen” where the only options are RETRY, CHECK NETWORK, CANCEL. At a loss here, is there any way to fix that?

I’m sure you’ve probably already tried this, but…shut box down, unplug it, reset modem and router, plug and pray!

It is because you are a part of the beta tester community for the X1 dashboard updates.

The last update there deleted your games download queue and makes it impossible to get downloads right now and makes these games unplayable! :frowning: Only if you downloaded the last game update before the dashboard update you are able to play.

Me and a friend have the same problem with BF4 because we didn’t play it for some weeks and didn’t download the last game update.

I had this problem until yesterday, so I suspect my xbox updated automatically, as it is set to do. You should try to alter your settings to background update, if you haven’t already. So glad I didn’t go the unintstall route!