I’m probably going to add a PS4 to my collection soon and I played a demo of Drive Club the other day and really liked the gameplay. I have a question about the online though. If anyone has played both series would you say DC’s online is setup like Horizon 2’s or are there lobbies for specific events like in the first Horizon. I never play FH2 anymore because I find not having the ability to search for specific events and race them so frustrating that it’s killed the game’s replayability for me and I’m itching for a new racing game where that is possible between now and Project Cars.
So, if you’ve played both and have the time to compare them here for me I’d appreciate any and all feedback.
The only real similarity DC has to FH2 is that they are games that have cars in them. I have really tried to like DC, played for 20 hours etc. The game is so broken right now it really takes away from the enjoyment. The multiplayer is a joke, you cannot use the challenge feature, the lighting while looks good - makes actual driving near impossible on some tracks. The soundtrack in DC is the same song remixed 50 times which gets exceptionally old after awhile. I will give DC another chance when its 100% operational, but FH2 is so far superior it is not even funny. Personally I would save my $ until DC was $20 or less.
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Yes, drive club handles rubbish
I played the demo for 5 min in EB games the other day…snow banks are solid? was not impressed