Can the Affinity level cap of 25 be removed as i stop racing my favourite makes when im online. I would like to see if i could get to 50 or level 60 Affinity in the time i have the game. What do others think.
I’m sure it’s set at 25 so that multiple max affinities are attainable by the average player. If it were too high, the game would be extremely grindy to pull it off.
i actually just got all my affinities to 25 in forza 6 just a few days ago. if there wasn’t a cap I would only race as 3 or 4 manufacturers most of the time, so in a way the cap helps me to race with all the cars.
in my opinion I would love to not have a cap, I don’t like being limited or wasting time and when am not getting xp for a manufacturer because it hit the cap I feel that I am wasting time.
There’s no reason to believe it’s been removed, but quickly looking through some video’s I haven’t seen anything about manufacturer affinity and it’s making me worry…
That would be good. Personally the Affinity feature was one of my least favorite features in the game. Definitely not a make-or-break feature for me but I felt like trying too get all the achievements or level of various manufacturers Affinity essentially prohibited you from using cars you might want to use. In that sense it was intended to make people try to use more cars and expand their garage.
I think the way it looks in FM7 seems to be more favorable for me.
I personally didn’t care if achievements were associated with it. I liked the car emblem badges you could earn and also liked maxing all affinities for brands that fit in the classes I like. It encouraged me to try other stuff and it was something fun to do in my spare time.
Well said, if you are someone who guns for the achievements and you must reach 25 affinity for 8 different manufacturers. Well, you become reluctant to drive much else.
OMG tell me you didn’t actually take that humongous steel turd all the way to 25 affinity. I drove that thing once and swore I was never going to drive it again. I don’t care if they sent free nachos and pizza to my house I was never going to drive that thing after the first lap I sat in it.