Giving away unlocked tunes

Every tune I download from others have all been locked, preventing anyone from swapping tires or the like for drag and rally work.

Given that I cannot find any setting which enables or disables the locking of a tune when I make one myself, I assume this is the default mode.

I developed one A-800 tune that you could swap between Sport and Drag tires and the PI wouldn’t change at all. The gimmick I played with was to post the Drag tune with the idea anyone could go in and change the tires to Sport if they wanted to go Road racing (the build was a Drag powertrain with a Road suspension). Is there any way I can offer an unlocked tune that anyone can alter, or am I stuck offering two slightly different tunes instead?

Do believe you’re stuck having to share two different tunes, had this issue just the other day when I was building up a 69 Dodge Charger, had to upload 3 separate tunes, one for a V8, one for a V10 and one for a V12, though it makes sense as different downforce components were added/removed from each.

Any tunes you share are locked for anyone else using them, and it’s been that way since Forza Motorsport 2 (can’t say for the first Motorsport as I never had that game :frowning: ). There is no legit way to unlock them. To get around that, is to list all upgrades and tuning values on the forum for others to build that tune, and tweak it to their preferences.

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