Garage FM5: Dark73 : Livery Dawn of the planet of the apes

Paint Dawn of the planet of the apes

Paint Vikings, the series.

And a livery Freegun.

Livery and Download With my: xXDark73Xx

hello friend

awesome design for the Viking and freegun

i cant wait to see your new project

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Yes, I finally retouve gallery of dark!
always great design here.
Congratulations to the realism of the viking! AWESOME!

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Thanks to you the friends

WIP of thorin oakenshield, of the movie Hobbit.
Sorry for the quality of the photo, but she is taken with my smarthphone.

This is wonderful!!!

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Thanck KATATAK21

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Fantastic stuff in here, great work

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Very nice!

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very good WIP my friend.
cant wait to see the final design

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Great start on Thorin. Interested to see how the rest turns out.

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that’s looking great dude! :slight_smile:

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Thank you the guys, I have hair and beard :wink:

Wip is lookin good, keep it up. :wink:

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Here is the continuation

Looking very nice Dark73. Love the theme of this one.

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Thank you CHEDDARB0B279 and screechymon, There is still some work on the character and the livery.

very cool WIP
very realistic
awesome work

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very nice WIP dark,
an awesome job!

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Hello! And thank the friend.