Hello, i have a big problem…my garage with 158 cars has disappear totaly; i only have a white Trueno instead of my 30 Million dollars garage!!! I played FM5 during 6 months and finished the career mode, i had so much badges, and now my game is like i just bought it 10 minutes ago!! I’m not the only one, it seems, but i tryed to recover and old savegame by the cloud, but it doesn’t work at all… I’ve lost my 2.5 millions too… It’s the end of the world, someone has news about this bug? Can Turn10 be able to sen some millions crédits to start again a REAL garage, ,to apologize ?
I say bull crap!!!
Don’ think so,its happened to alot of people!
Nothing anybody can do, Turn10 and Xbox support know of this problem as I have been in contact with them since it happened to me a couple of months ago, the only thing you can do is start again and hope it does not glitch again.
After reading a lot of posts on this trying to find a fix (and there isn’t one) it would seem that the empty garage glitch seems only to happen when you are reaching the end of career mode.
i hope that isnt the reason behind this glitch or i may be facing the same horrible situation soon…
Are you VIP?
When this happens do you also lose all of you saved tunes?
send helios a private message and put “save game issue” in the title.