Garage - car load slowness

It’s a well known issue that the game slows and stalls when cycling through and looking at your cars in the garage. This has been an issue since day one - can T10 devs please just let us know if there’s a plan to fix this or not? Browsing through what I’ve collected is one of my favorite things to do. If it’s not going to be fixed, please just let us know, so I can find another racing game.




Of all the fixes that have been made, this is one that seems to have been completely ignored, despite it being a huge annoyance. I have less than 100 cars but it takes an age to scroll through them deciding what to race with.

When in multiplayer, I can scroll quickly, no problem.

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Definitely I agree! Devs any input?

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crickets… in that case, anyone have suggestions on good alternates to fm7?

Yep, was just grumbling about this yesterday. Regardless of whether I’m browsing through my garage or the auto show, it’s quite slow to load. I don’t even want to imagine how slow my garage will be if I ever earn the “Platinum Collector” achievement (“Collect 700 cars”). Ouch!

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its so bad I’m almost thanking about getting a SSD for the X to see if will helps but I’m going to give them more time.

This is gonna be hard to fix and it doesn’t matter what hardware you have, the game loads designs from the cloud and it seems the connection between server and client is rather inefficient.

They’ve done as much as they could so far, in the car dealer all the cars load very fast, and we no longer have grey cars in the garage, so all that’s left is improving the speed at which the design is loaded from the cloud.