So i went to play forza horizon yesterday and it required an update. I proceeded to try and update the game. it would slowly get to 34% before going to “queue” and restarting the
process over and over again.
I also noticed there was a system update. that wouldn’t work either. (since then i have manually installed updated the OS with the usb stick)
My mate also had the update yesterday and his worked fine without a problem, we started downloading them within 10 min of each other.
I tested internet connection and mulitplayer connection, they are both working great.
I can play other games online and offline fine as well.
I uninstalled the game and re installed it. once installed ready to go it wanted to update obviously. But it still wont update, it just switches between “Updating…” and “Queued”
after about 30 min of this it has changed to installation stopped.
I spoke to a Microsoft support chat person who assisted in the OS update but could not help with the game update side of things and directed me to turn 10.
does anyone have any idea how i can fix this? i cannot figure it out.