Game Progress Erased After Level Up

Upon reaching a new level today (somewhere in the teens), when I tried to claim my wheelspin reward, the game froze and the sound started glitching heavily. I had to return to the dashboard and exit the game in order to get out, but when I restarted the game, most (or all) of my progress was erased. My location was set to the Nice car meet, and my vehicle was set to the BMW Z4. Additionally, all of my garage cars were no longer in the garage, the bucket list items I competed were marked new, my perks were reset, and all of the xp and travel discount boards that I had smashed had reappeared. However, on the pause menu, the menu items still said I had completed the number of events that I actually had completed before having progress reset. It’s possible that other things have been reset, but I did not notice.

How did this happen? Is there a way to avoid it or correct it if it happens? Is there anything being done to fix this severe bug?